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得说爱时必说爱 |热度 7 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 北方网 |更新时间:2023-08-16
我也很想他 |热度 5 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 圈圈 |更新时间:2023-08-16
名媛淑女 |热度 23 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 知恩报恩 |更新时间:2023-03-28
作者:姑娘从良了文案:今天慈善宴,明天拍卖会,后天赛马会,外人眼中,作为上流社会的一分子,周成琬的每一天都过得光鲜亮丽,非常的白富美。她说的真真的,她真不是大骗子,她真的是所有剧中戏中的路人角色,真的从来不是女主角的命,这次自然也不是。她周成琬贯来喜欢做小角色小跟班小路人,只是偶尔喜欢做点在上流社会各位大人物的身后插插刀,捅捅篓子的小事,让上流社会的各位人生更狗血大戏罢了,她的生活一直是如此匮乏不堪的好嘛。女主角什么的,啧~谁啊那么了不起想做她人生中的男主角。内容标签:豪门世家 都市情缘 天之骄子 天作之和主角:周成琬,宋之瑾  ☆、第1章 拍卖会~一~西城。昊天大厦十九层,今日举行拍卖会。拍卖会现场一室的灯火通明,流光溢彩,亮如白昼,现场气氛随意中有些绷紧。... 
都市之造神系统 |热度 120 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 痛罚 |更新时间:2023-03-28
《都市之造神系统》作者:达小三第一章 众神陨落,万物化骸(求收藏)一轮血月高挂在星空之上,血色照耀着整个大陆。而大陆之上则是血流漂杵,白骨累累。一名英俊的男子缓缓行走在大陆之上,白色的衣衫上已经覆满了血液,手里拿着那还在滴着血液的长剑。鲜血随着他的一步步而洒落在大地之上,而那名男子的眼神中却是带着顽强,不甘还有几分失落。“噗……可恶!”一名男子吐出了一口鲜血,剑刃竖立在大地之上,男子一手扶在长剑的剑柄上,怒道。“为何,难道这个世界的毁灭是必然的?”那名男子望着天空之中的那轮血月,心中带着强烈的不甘,以及伤感,开口说道。“呵呵,我多斯克耗尽千年时光,成就神位。为何,世界毁灭,好不容易感悟到那本源法则,却为何被毁灭?”多斯克望着周围的尸骨,苦苦一笑,说道。... 
都市悍将 |热度 13 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 天马行空 |更新时间:2023-03-28
《都市悍将》作者:洛水河图第1章 留下点什么碧水潺潺,青山起伏,古松林立山水之间;一望无垠的蓝天,浮动着如雪般柔美的绵云,勾勒出一幅令人心旷神怡的景观,宛若人间仙境。不管是在世界的哪个角落,能够找到这样一处地方,绝对是福地洞天。位于东北黑龙江与内蒙古之间的大兴安岭,是整个华夏最为广博的原始大森林,风景秀美,举世闻名。大山深处,李家村头,一个二十出头的瘦弱青年,坐在村头那棵老槐树之下,形单只影,夕阳西下,不时有几个人匆匆忙忙的从地里赶回来忙着回家做饭。村口滑坡处,一个衣着简朴面容粗犷的壮硕青年,拖着一头足有三百斤重的大野猪从大山深处缓缓的走出来,显得极为的吃力,粗壮的手臂之上,青筋暴起,但是脸上却充满了喜滋滋的笑意,不时揩去脸上的汗水。... 
超级进化光线 |热度 9 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 一意孤行 |更新时间:2022-12-05
life of francis marion(弗朗西 |热度 16 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 蝴蝶的出走 |更新时间:2022-04-21
Life of Marion.Life of Marion.DOBEIN JAMES.1- Page 2-Life of Marion.Preface.During the siege of Charleston, in May, 1780, the grammar school atSalem, on Black river, where I had been placed by my father, Major JOHNJAMES, broke up; and I was compelled to abandon my school boy studies,and become a militia man, at the age of fifteen. At that time of life it was agreat loss; but still I was so fortunate as to have General MARION as my... 
ben-hur |热度 41 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 摄氏0度 |更新时间:2022-04-19
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christby Lew Wallaceto THE WIFE OF MY YOUTH who still abides with meBOOK FIRSTCHAPTER IThe Jebel es Zubleh is a mountain fifty miles and more in length, and so narrow that its tracery on the map gives it a likeness to a caterpillar crawling from the south to the north. Standing on its red-and-white cliffs, and looking off under the path of the rising sun, one sees only the Desert of Arabia, where the east winds, so hateful to vinegrowers of Jericho, have kept their playgrounds since the beginning. Its feet are well covered by sands tossed from the Euphrates, there to lie, for the mountain is a wall to the pasture-land 
de profundis |热度 13 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 精灵王 |更新时间:2022-04-08
De Profundisby Oscar Wilde. . . Suffering is one very long moment. We cannot divide it byseasons. We can only record its moods, and chronicle their return.With us time itself does not progress. It revolves. It seems tocircle round one centre of pain. The paralysing immobility of alife every circumstance of which is regulated after an unchangeablepattern, so that we eat and drink and lie down and pray, or kneelat least for prayer, according to the inflexible laws of an ironformula: this immobile quality, that makes each dreadful day inthe very minutest detail like its brother, seems to communicate... 
novel notes |热度 12 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 雨来不躲 |更新时间:2022-04-08
Novel Notesby Jerome K. JeromePROLOGUEYears ago, when I was very small, we lived in a great house in a long, straight, brown-coloured street, in the east end of London. It was a noisy, crowded street in the daytime; but a silent, lonesome street at night, when the gas-lights, few and far between, partook of the character of lighthouses rather than of illuminants, and the tramp, tramp of the policeman on his long beat seemed to be ever drawing nearer, or fading away, except for brief moments when the footsteps ceased, as he paused to rattle a door or window, or to flash his lantern into some dark passage leading down towards the river.... 
the home book of verse-1 |热度 27 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 尘小春 |更新时间:2022-04-06
The Home Book of Verse, Volume 1by Burton Egbert StevensonContents of Volumes 1 through 4 of The Home Book of VersePART IPOEMS OF YOUTH AND AGEThe Human Seasons John KeatsTHE BABY"Only a Baby Small" Matthias BarrOnly Harriet Prescott SpoffordInfant Joy William BlakeBaby George MacdonaldTo a New-Born Baby Girl Grace Hazard ConklingTo Little Renee William Aspenwall BradleyA Rhyme of One Frederick Locker-Lampson... 
eugenie grandet |热度 11 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 低诉 |更新时间:2022-04-03
Eugenie Grandetby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Maria.May your name, that of one whose portrait is the noblest ornamentof this work, lie on its opening pages like a branch of sacredbox, taken from an unknown tree, but sanctified by religion, andkept ever fresh and green by pious hands to bless the house.De Balzac.EUGENIE GRANDETIThere are houses in certain provincial towns whose aspect inspiresmelancholy, akin to that called forth by sombre cloisters, drearymoorlands, or the desolation of ruins. Within these houses there is,... 
travels with a donkey in the c |热度 14 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 闲来一看 |更新时间:2022-04-01
Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennesby Robert Louis Stevenson.My Dear Sidney Colvin,The journey which this little book is to describe was veryagreeable and fortunate for me. After an uncouth beginning, I hadthe best of luck to the end. But we are all travellers in whatJohn Bunyan calls the wilderness of this world - all, too,travellers with a donkey: and the best that we find in our travelsis an honest friend. He is a fortunate voyager who finds many. Wetravel, indeed, to find them. They are the end and the reward oflife. They keep us worthy of ourselves; and when we are alone, we... 
the little elder-tree mother |热度 25 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 吹嘻 |更新时间:2022-03-31
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE LITTLE ELDER-TREE MOTHERby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE was once a little boy who had caught cold; he had gone outand got wet feet. Nobody had the least idea how it had happened; theweather was quite dry. His mother undressed him, put him to bed, andordered the teapot to be brought in, that she might make him a goodcup of tea from the elder-tree blossoms, which is so warming. At thesame time, the kind-hearted old man who lived by himself in theupper storey of the house came in; he led a lonely life, for he had no... 
the complete works of artemus |热度 23 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 吹嘻 |更新时间:2022-03-25
The Complete Works of Artemus Ward, Part 3by Charles Farrar BrowneWith a biographical sketch by Melville D. Landon, "Eli Perkins"CONTENTS.PART III.Stories and Romances.3.1. Moses the Sassy; or, The Disguised Duke.3.2. Marion: A Romance of the French School.3.3. William Barker, the Young Patriot.3.4. A RomanceThe Conscript.3.5. A RomanceOnly a Mechanic.3.6. Roberto the Rover; A Tale of Sea and Shore.3.7. Red Hand: A Tale of Revenge.3.8. Pyrotechny: A Romance after the French.3.9. The Last of the Culkinses.3.10. A Mormon RomanceReginald Gloverson.... 
of the delicacy of taste and p |热度 24 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 冷夏 |更新时间:2022-03-25
OF THE DELICACY OF TASTE AND PASSIONDavid Hume1741/SOME People are subject to a certain of, which makes them extremely sensible to all theaccidents of life, and gives them a lively joy upon everyprosperous event, as well as a piercing grief, when theymeet with misfortunes and adversity. Favours and goodoffices easily engage their friendship; while the smallest... 
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