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极品护花保镖 |热度 10 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 巴乔的中场 |更新时间:2023-03-28
《极品护花保镖》作者:云华道人01乡巴佬进城了    燕山市。在华国来说虽然算不得什么大城市。但是燕山市在全国的影响力却一点都不低。因为燕山市盘踞着一尊大佛,华国企业集团里面的巨头凌云集团的总部就设立在这里。  炎热的夏日并不能阻止人们出行。燕山火车站依旧人山人海。呜呜呜。火车终于在车站停下,乘客们依次从车门中走了出来。  “卧槽。总算到了,该死的老头。老子终于解放了。感谢党感谢TV。哇哈哈。”一个头发凌乱一脸脏兮兮。身上穿着就像垃圾堆里面捡出来的迷彩服的未知生物刚出火车门就发出兴奋的嚎叫。  “妈妈。你看有神经病。”一个五六岁的小女孩拉着母亲的手指着未知生物。  “宝宝乖。那不是神经病。那是要饭的神经病知道吗?”小女孩的母亲立刻改正了小女孩的错误。... 
我就是太平洋 |热度 30 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 人生几何 |更新时间:2022-12-12
():/b5397/--第一章 河道工人美国,华盛顿州,西雅图市30公里外一处小镇。草坪上临时摆放着许多塑料桌椅,在一旁的小晒坪还放着几个烧烤炉,约莫二三十年轻男女正在大声说着、笑着,这是一场临时举办的庆祝聚餐。“唐,这边也要一份煎蛋!”“好!”“唐,这边要大盘的章鱼烧,多放点,别和喂猫似的!”“知道了!”“唐君,煎鱼好了没有?”在小晒坪的一角,放着小煤气罐、厨具架子,人群中唯一一名黑发黑眼的男子正控制着好几口锅。男子约莫二十岁,长得还算可以,因为很瘦,所以脸颊削瘦、棱角分明。一头当下年轻人都喜欢的略有些莫西干式样的短发,一身白色的厨师服,178的身高并不算高,但因为身材和服装原因,却给人一种颀长、精干的感觉。... 
绝品保镖 |热度 16 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 暖暖 |更新时间:2022-12-03
():/b249/--第一章 你的经期乱了中午十二点刚过,杭城嘉业房地产开发有限公司的总部大楼。刚刚搞定萧区一块黄金地皮的韩震心情不错,于是命秘书给自己开了一瓶红酒庆祝,酒杯刚刚端起,异变却突然发生了。高脚杯里的红酒不停地震荡着,最后居然从红酒杯中飞了出来。然后红酒化作了一条细线,在韩震办公室的墙壁上飞舞着。几行字蓦然出现在墙壁上:“韩震,还记得十八年前我们徒弟和你女儿之间的婚约吗?现在我徒弟已经下山去你女儿住的地方了,先让他们两个年轻人朝夕相处培养一下感情。等到时机成熟以后,再让他们玩婚吧。”这神奇诡异的一幕直接把韩震那位有着36c的秘书给吓晕了过去。韩震倒还算比较镇定,口中还喃喃自语了一句:“原来已经十八年了吗。”... 
纯禽记者 |热度 12 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 做男人挺好 |更新时间:2022-12-03
():/b4637/--第1章 完美重生窗外,一抹残阳带着血色,映照着整座城市,高楼林立,车水马龙,述说着这个城市的繁华和冷漠。g市最顶级的写字楼第22楼,整整一个楼层的人忙碌不已,有的扛着摄像机出去,有的兴奋地拿着照相机跑了进来,还有一些在电脑桌上低头狂敲键盘写着什么,周遭电话声不绝于耳。这是星盛杂志社的所在地,国内最赫赫有名的杂志社,几乎承包了大部分国内新闻的头版头条,其中,以偷拍到独家的娱乐新闻和采访高端人物的财经新闻最为出名。在杂志社普通员工的工作大厅里,一个男生面色严肃,眼中的肃穆让人不寒而栗,他静静地坐在最靠近窗户的位置,视野落在了远方的高架桥上。他是高冷。高冷皱了皱眉头,用手按了按太阳穴。... 
大收藏家 |热度 10 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 嘟嘟 |更新时间:2022-12-03
():/b3928/--001 洗金花城位于南海之滨,是南省的省会,东江、西江、北江在此交汇,与香港、澳门隔海相望,自秦汉以来就是对外贸易的重要港口城市,是华夏有名的南大门。优越的地理位置,再加上改革的东风,仅仅十几年的时间,花城就由华夏的大城市变成国际化的大都市。在一座人口数百万的城市,三教九流的人都有,在花城最繁华的中山路上,不时响起一个响亮的叫唤声:“福缘珠宝回馈社会,快来看,快来瞧,走过路过不要错过。”“只要顺利背出我们的口号,可以免费清洗首饰一次。”“免费,免费,让你的首饰回复光泽。”“阿姨,每人只限清洗一件,第二件起每件收六十元的清洗费,不赚你的钱,这些是成本。”......... 
官道 |热度 53 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: |更新时间:2022-11-28
():/b1223/--第0001章 又出大事了清河市建设局又出事了。这年头,就是事多,出事的单位不奇怪,不出事的部门才是新闻。可这清河市建设局的事特多,还件件蹊跷,每每轰动整个清河市,自从半年前建设局搬进十二层的新办公大楼后,就没有消停过。今年春节后的第一个周末,建设局举行新办公大楼挂牌仪式,市里领导来了不少,省建设厅都派来了付厅长,热热闹闹的,可谁也没有想到,鞭炮声中,那块刚挂上的合金牌匾,从三米六高的石拱柱上突然掉了下来,不偏不倚的砸在了两个老干部身上……救护车的呼啸声中,市长气得脸色惨白,率众拂袖而去。没过一个月,一名女清洁工在清理九楼局长办公室的玻璃窗时,不慎从窗户上摔落到建设局大门前,当场成了肉饼……... 
the moravians in georgia |热度 12 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 随便看看 |更新时间:2022-04-19
The Moravians in Georgia, 1735-1740 by Adelaide L. FriesPreface.In the life of any individual, association, or nation, there will probably be one or more occurrences which may be considered as success or failure according to the dramatic features of the event and the ultimate results. Of this the Battle of Bunker Hill is a striking example. On the morning of June 17th, 1775, a force of British soldiers attacked a small body of raw, ill-equipped American volunteers, who had fortified a hill near Boston, and quickly drove them from their position. By whom then was the Bunker Hill Monument erected? By the victors in that first engagement of th 
soup from a sausage skewer |热度 7 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 千顷寒 |更新时间:2022-04-16
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENSOUP FROM A SAUSAGE SKEWERby Hans Christian Andersen"WE had such an excellent dinner yesterday," said an old mouseof the female sex to another who had not been present at the feast. "Isat number twenty-one below the mouse-king, which was not a bad place.Shall I tell you what we had? Everything was first rate. Mouldy bread,tallow candle, and sausage. And then, when we had finished thatcourse, the same came on all over again; it was as good as two feasts.We were very sociable, and there was as much joking and fun as if we... 
a death in the desert |热度 82 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 雨帆 |更新时间:2022-04-08
"A Death in the Desert"Everett Hilgarde was conscious that the man in the seatacross the aisle was looking at him intently. He was a large,florid man, wore a conspicuous diamond solitaire upon his thirdfinger, and Everett judged him to be a traveling salesman of somesort. He had the air of an adaptable fellow who had been aboutthe world and who could keep cool and clean under almost anycircumstances.The "High Line Flyer," as this train was derisively calledamong railroad men, was jerking along through the hot afternoonover the monotonous country between Holdridge and Cheyenne.... 
the hand of ethelberta |热度 25 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 千顷寒 |更新时间:2022-04-03
The Hand of Ethelbertaby Thomas HardyPREFACEThis somewhat frivolous narrative was produced as an interludebetween stories of a more sober design, and it was given the sub-title of a comedy to indicatethough not quite accuratelythe aimof the performance. A high degree of probability was not attemptedin the arrangement of the incidents, and there was expected of thereader a certain lightness of mood, which should inform him with agood-natured willingness to accept the production in the spirit inwhich it was offered. The characters themselves, however, weremeant to be consistent and human.... 
3000英文名著目录 |热度 69 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 朝令夕改 |更新时间:2022-04-03
English Classics 3000Published by Peking University PressISBN 7-900636-43-9/I.05Tel: 0086-10-62757146Fax: 0086-10-62757513Product of 2000english StudioTel: 0086-21-64757126Fax: 0086-21-647571291. System Requirements2. How to Use This CD-ROM3. Table of Contents ( Listed by Author )4. Index ( Listed by Title )1. System RequirementsAny computer system, 16MB memory, 50MB free hard disk space, CD-ROM drive and mouse.2. How to Use this CD-ROMTo use this CD-ROM, you just need to double click on the file "index.html" fromthe root directory of the CD-ROM drive. Your system will automatically start the... 
a journey to |热度 18 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: |更新时间:2022-04-01
A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotlandby Samuel JohnsonINCH KEITHI had desired to visit the Hebrides, or Western Islands ofScotland, so long, that I scarcely remember how the wish wasoriginally excited; and was in the Autumn of the year 1773 inducedto undertake the journey, by finding in Mr. Boswell a companion,whose acuteness would help my inquiry, and whose gaiety ofconversation and civility of manners are sufficient to counteractthe inconveniences of travel, in countries less hospitable than wehave passed.On the eighteenth of August we left Edinburgh, a city too wellknown to admit description, and directed our course northward,... 
war of the classes |热度 24 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 怀疑一切 |更新时间:2022-03-31
War of the Classesby Jack LondonContents:PrefaceThe Class StruggleThe TrampThe ScabThe Question of the MaximumA ReviewWanted: A New Land of DevelopmentHow I Became a SocialistPREFACEWhen I was a youngster I was looked upon as a weird sort ofcreature, because, forsooth, I was a socialist. Reporters fromlocal papers interviewed me, and the interviews, when published,were pathological studies of a strange and abnormal specimen of man.At that time (nine or ten years ago), because I made a stand in mynative town for municipal ownership of public utilities, I was... 
falk |热度 34 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 插翅难飞 |更新时间:2022-03-25
Falkby Joseph ConradA REMINISCENCESeveral of us, all more or less connected with thesea, were dining in a small river-hostelry not morethan thirty miles from London, and less than twentyfrom that shallow and dangerous puddle to whichour coasting men give the grandiose name of "Ger-man Ocean." And through the wide windows wehad a view of the Thames; an enfilading view downthe Lower Hope Reach. But the dinner was exe-crable, and all the feast was for the eyes.That flavour of salt-water which for so many ofus had been the very water of life permeated ourtalk. He who hath known the bitterness of the... 
the symposium |热度 14 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 生在秋天 |更新时间:2022-03-25
The Symposiumby XenophonTranslation by H. G. DakynsXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave him land and property in Scillus, where he lived for many years before having to move once more, to settle in Corinth. He died in 354 B.C.The Symposium records the discussion of Socrates and company at a dinner given by Callias for the youth Autolycus. Dakyns believed that Plato knew of this work, and that it influenced him to some degree when he wrote his own "Symposium."THE SYMPOSIUMorThe BanquetIFor myself,[1] I hold to the opinion that not alone are th 
the bird of popular song |热度 37 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 点绛唇 |更新时间:2022-03-19
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE BIRD OF POPULAR SONGby Hans Christian AndersenIT is winter-time. The earth wears a snowy garment, and looks likemarble hewn out of the rock; the air is bright and clear; the windis sharp as a well-tempered sword, and the trees stand like branchesof white coral or blooming almond twigs, and here it is keen as on thelofty Alps.The night is splendid in the gleam of the Northern Lights, andin the glitter of innumerable twinkling stars.But we sit in the warm room, by the hot stove, and talk about... 
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