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the dumb book |热度 11 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 老是不进球 |更新时间:2022-04-08
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE DUMB BOOKby Hans Christian AndersenIN the high-road which led through a wood stood a solitaryfarm-house; the road, in fact, ran right through its yard. The sun wasshining and all the windows were open; within the house people werevery busy. In the yard, in an arbour formed by lilac bushes in fullbloom, stood an open coffin; thither they had carried a dead man,who was to be buried that very afternoon. Nobody shed a tear over him;his face was covered over with a white cloth, under his head they... 
by the almshouse window |热度 42 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 点绛唇 |更新时间:2022-05-19
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENBY THE ALMSHOUSE WINDOWby Hans Christian AndersenNEAR the grass-covered rampart which encircles Copenhagen lies agreat red house. Balsams and other flowers greet us from the long rowsof windows in the house, whose interior is sufficientlypoverty-stricken; and poor and old are the people who inhabit it.The building is the Warton Almshouse.Look! at the window there leans an old maid. She plucks thewithered leaf from the balsam, and looks at the grass-covered rampart,on which many children are playing. What is the old maid thinking... 
圣母在上第十七卷后短篇 红蔷薇 |热度 36 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 风格1 |更新时间:2020-02-13
九月结束後的某一天。蔷薇馆十分的安静。不,不只是蔷薇馆。 高中部的校舍到处都是静悄悄的。也只不过是二年级的学生不在而已。六个班级,对包含幼稚园到大学的这个学园来说也许不是什麼大数目。 只不过,一直都在那里的学生通通不见了的话,还是用清静来形容最适合。放学後,身为红蔷薇的小笠原祥子一个人在蔷薇馆喝著茶。真安静。令不在,去参加社团活动了。跟学园祭有关的工作啦、一些琐碎的小事啦,虽然有是有不过都不是什麼迫切的事情,於是就姑且休息一下。因为最近实在是太忙了,所以也这样子告诉那些一年级的学生。难得可以早归虽然很好,可是祥子还是无意间来到了这里。在蔷薇馆悠闲的喝茶,是多麼奢侈的时间啊。要说重大的工作的话,是有山百合会主办的戏剧准备工作,然而二年级生不在,这件事也没办法很顺利的进行。... 
男人第六感14 |热度 9 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 幽雨 |更新时间:2020-02-13
  一年后美国加州聂青正坐在书房里准备一星期后的千人OPP,这是美安传销进军美国的第一个创业说明会,也是聂青移居美国半年多来的成果验收。  想起这一年来发生的事,仍恍如昨日。  在办完了外公外婆的丧事,将他俩合葬后,靖远就和她直飞美国求证。经过甯大宇的证实,确定靖远并非他的亲生儿子后,他俩才喜极而泣地相拥在一起。  而聂青也第一次见到了亲生父亲。他高大斯文的外表,即使已上了年纪,仍看得出年轻时俊期的风采,难怪母亲会痴痴眷恋多年。而他对韩紫绢及靖远无私的爱,也使得聂青对他有了另一番的评价,终于吐露了多年来的秘密,也才得知甯大宇并非完全无情,他曾花了三年的时间寻找母亲未果,才默然回美国专心打拼事业。最后终于被一直守在他身旁无怨无悔的苏玉蔷感动而爱上了她,两人现在过得相当恩爱而惬意。... 
05-little red riding hood |热度 16 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 圈圈 |更新时间:2022-03-19
LITTLE RED RIDING HOODONCE upon a time there lived in a certain village alittle country girl, the prettiest creature was ever seen.Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmotherdoted on her still more. This good woman hadmade for her a little red riding-hood; which became the girlso extremely well that everybody called her Little RedRiding-Hood.One day her mother, having made some custards, saidto her:"Go, my dear, and see how thy grandmamma does, forI hear she has been very ill; carry her a custard, and thislittle pot of butter."Little Red Riding-Hood set out immediately to go to... 
a21 |热度 9 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 不落的滑翔 |更新时间:2022-04-14
1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTWO MAIDENSby Hans Christian AndersenHAVE you ever seen a maiden? I mean what our pavers call a maiden, a thing with which they ram down the paving-stones in the roads. A maiden of this kind is made altogether of wood, broad below, and girt round with iron rings. At the top she is narrow, and has a stick passed across through her waist, and this stick forms the arms of the maiden.In the shed stood two Maidens of this kind. They had their placeamong shovels, hand-carts, wheelbarrows, and measuring-tapes; and to all this company the news had come that the Maidens were no longer to be called "maidens,"  
1837-tra |热度 28 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 独来读网 |更新时间:2022-03-04
EARLY LITERARY EXPERIMENTSTRANSFORMATIONMine eyes are so confused,My cheek it is so pale,My head is so bemused,A realm of fairy-tale.I wanted, boldly daring,Sea-going ways to follow,Where a thousand crags rise soaring,And Floods flow bleak and hollow.I clung to Thought high-soaring,On its two wings did ride,And though storm winds were roaring,All danger I defied.... 
before the curtain |热度 11 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 炒作 |更新时间:2022-04-16
Vanity Fairby William Makepeace ThackerayBEFORE THE CURTAINAs the manager of the Performance sits before the curtainon the boards and looks into the Fair, a feeling of profoundmelancholy comes over him in his survey of the bustling place.There is a great quantity of eating and drinking, making loveand jilting, laughing and the contrary, smoking, cheating,fighting, dancing and fiddling; there are bullies pushing about,bucks ogling the women, knaves picking pockets, policemenon the look-out, quacks (OTHER quacks, plague take them!)bawling in front of their booths, and yokels looking up at... 
the buckwheat |热度 10 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 开了 |更新时间:2022-04-12
FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE BUCKWHEATby Hans Christian AndersenVERY often, after a violent thunder-storm, a field of buckwheatappears blackened and singed, as if a flame of fire had passed overit. The country people say that this appearance is caused bylightning; but I will tell you what the sparrow says, and thesparrow heard it from an old willow-tree which grew near a field ofbuckwheat, and is there still. It is a large venerable tree, thougha little crippled by age. The trunk has been split, and out of thecrevice grass and brambles grow. The tree bends for-ward slightly, and... 
我要住豪宅01 |热度 23 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 恐龙王 |更新时间:2020-05-29
  时代在变,人们追寻梦想的事却永远不会变,不管是男女老少、贫富贵贱,甚至是从小就被丢在育幼院门口的孤儿,也有他们想追求的梦想。  同在国际儿童村长大的春雪、夏美、秋枫、冬颜四个人,从国小毕业时,便有了确切的梦想,只是她们的梦想比别人来得早,却也比别人去得快。  十二岁时有了梦想,十八岁便从梦中醒来,接受了现实。  现实告诉她们,梦想是不能当饭吃的,只有努力工作、赚钱、忽视旁人对她们的指指点点,然后用冷漠、微笑、不在意来佯装坚强,再用能力来证明自己,这才是正确的生存之道。  秋枫很美,春雪很柔,她们俩虽然属于完全不同类型,但是微笑的时候,同样拥有让人闭嘴的能力。  而夏美更不用说了,个性呛辣直率的她,在彻底发飙狂怒过后,就懒得再理那些换汤不换药的流言蜚语了,不以为然的轻撇嘴角是她面对流言最常有的表情。... 
tribute |热度 27 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 上网找工作 |更新时间:2022-03-25
DAVID GRAHAM PHILLIPSA TRIBUTEEven now I cannot realize that he is dead, and often in the citystreetson Fifth Avenue in particularI find myself glancingahead for a glimpse of the tall, boyish, familiarfigureexperience once again a flash of the old happy expectancy.I have lived in many lands, and have known men. I never knew afiner man than Graham Phillips.His were the clearest, bluest, most honest eyes I ever saweyesthat scorned untrutheyes that penetrated all sham.In repose his handsome features were a trifle sternand themagic of his smile was the more wonderfulsuch a sunny,... 
婴儿炸弹 01 |热度 15 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 丢丢 |更新时间:2020-05-03
  「怀孕?怎么可能?!」  肠胃科诊所的小诊疗室里爆出一里口同声尖叫!  「绝对没错。」  年轻的医生再次点头,试着安慰小病人……不,是小孕妇。娇小的身段,配着一张甜美可爱的娃娃脸,大概中学都还没毕业吧!  「妳回去好好跟爸爸妈妈说,一定要请他们带妳去妇产科详细检查!」  「你到底在说什么鬼话?」裴千晶从诊疗台上跳了下来。  「专业的话。」医生老实回答。  「我只是觉得肠胃老是闷闷胀胀的不舒服,要你开一点健胃整肠的药给我服用,结果你不但问了一大堆风马牛不相及的问题,还教我躺上诊疗台,拿着那支超音波棒贴在我的肚子上乱转几圈,而你的诊断不是我得了胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡什么的……还说我怀孕了?」哼!天底下有比这更好笑的笑话吗?千晶鼓起了腮帮子,一根莲花指直点向江湖郎中的鼻子。... 
找个理由11 |热度 12 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 痛罚 |更新时间:2020-02-13
  九月,为了没有遗憾,邝已竣决定补办婚礼。  婚礼十分盛大,宾客如云,自然都是各界名流。新娘这方面观礼人数倒是寥寥可数,但陈凌波却赫然在名单之列。  就是此人把颂安偷渡到那个偏僻山村,这个祸首居然还敢来找打。  陈凌波却全无愧色,幸亏是她,只把颂安拐到那个小乡村服劳役。换了别人,直接卖去阿拉伯充实后宫了。  所以凌波十分心安理得地向邝已竣敲了那笔楼房捐款充实荷包,而且颂安还偷偷泄密,她已磨丈夫把每年泡妞的钱省下来做定期捐款,发展教育。  哈,哈!凌波一边算计着每年又会有多少银子进账,一面仍穿着去年参加校庆的那身行头穿梭于那些亿万富豪间,期望着能从他们的牙缝中抠点肉丝出来。  沙若芊也来了,她现在可是事业、爱情双得意。电影处女作拿了个最佳新人奖,又新交了个大律师的男友。她一脸的幸福,还很郑重地把男友介绍给颂安。因为此位男友最拿手的是打离婚官司,如果颂安哪一天需要... 
纯情灰姑娘001 |热度 59 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 绚烂冬季 |更新时间:2020-02-13
  日本东京  大楼林立的高级商业区中,「藤原企业集团」总公司耸立其中,灰色的外观、烫金色的大楼匾额,简单、明确的标示,一如「藤原」这个姓氏在日本商界中,绝对而单一的存在。  短短六年,「藤原企业集团」历经元老级股东的意图篡位,顺利化解内部危机,到扩大商业版图,藤原驭自接任社长之位,从一个被各界质疑的年轻人、到成为人人赞不绝口的企业霸主,他所表现出来的精明、强悍,卓越的领导能力,在在令人惊叹!  这样一个出身优渥、能力卓绝、个性与作风如铁汉般的男人,居然会有这么……温柔的表情!?  认识他超过十年、跟在他身边做事整整六年的好友兼下属神田晃司,站在一旁看得眼珠子差点掉下来,严重怀疑自己是不是眼花了!  「发呆够了吗?」坐在大办公桌后的藤原驭,将办公椅由面对窗外的方向转回来,双手交握在腰腹,一脸似笑非笑。... 
1837-wil |热度 40 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 世纪史诗 |更新时间:2022-02-25
Karl MarxWritten in 1837First published in the Athenaum.Zeitschrift fur das gebildete Deutschland,January 23, 1841I.THE FIDDLERThe Fiddler saws the strings,His light brown hair he tosses and flings.He carries a sabre at his side,He wears a pleated habit wide."Fiddler, why that frantic sound?Why do you gaze so wildly round?... 
夫凭子贵 01 |热度 17 | 浪漫言情 | 上传: 淋雨 |更新时间:2020-04-21
  时间仿佛在门敞开的那一刻变得静止,而停在箱子旁的人也跟着僵立在一旁。  没有想到他会这么快就回来,她还以为自己还有许多的时间可以储存回忆的,但这样的奢望却被他的归来给破灭了。  “为什么?”席幕城怒视着提着行李的她,不敢相信他高高兴兴的提早下班回来,见到的却是她提着行李想要离去的模样。  “我们并不适合。”给了他一个回荡在心中已久的答案,即使心在滴血,但她仍以平静的姿态面对他的质问。  “你爱我,不是吗?我们要结婚的,不是吗?”席幕城不敢相信的质问着,他们结婚的日子将近,她怎么能够在这个时候选择逃避。“我不知道拥有这么多的我们,还有什么不适合的。”  早就说好了要共同为了他们的将来奋斗的,为什么她却想要逃跑?一种被背叛的难堪在他的心底回旋着,勾引出了他更多的怒气。... 
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