女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > she >



小说: she 字数: 每页4000字

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what does; and all I have to say is that it is a very 
bad state of mind for a man on the wrong side of 
middle age to fall into。



WE passed through the caves without trouble; but when 
we came to the slope of the inverted cone two 
difficulties stared us in the face。 The first of these 
was the laborious nature of the ascent; and the next 
the extreme difficulty of finding our way。 Indeed; had 
it not been for the mental notes that I had 
fortunately taken of the shape of various rocks; etc。; 
I am sure that we never should have managed it at all; 
but have wandered about in the dreadful womb of the 
volcanofor I suppose it must once have been 
something of the sortuntil we died of exhaustion and 
despair。 As it was we went wrong several times; and 
once nearly fell into a huge crack or crevasse。 It was 
terrible work creeping about in the dense gloom and 
awful stillness from boulder to boulder; and examining 
it by the feeble light of the lamps to see if I could 
recognize its shape。 We rarely spoke; our hearts were 
too heavy for speech; we simply stumbled about falling 
sometimes and cutting ourselves; in a rather dogged 
sort of way。 The fact was that our spirits were 
utterly crushed; and we did not greatly care what 
happened to us。 Only we felt bound to try and save our 
lives while we could; and; indeed; a natural instinct 
prompted us to it。 So for some three or four hours; I 
should thinkI cannot tell exactly how long; for we 
had no watch left that would gowe blundered on。 
During the last two hours we were completely lost; and 
I began to fear that we had got into the funnel of 
some subsidiary cone; when at last I suddenly 
recognized a very large rock which we had passed in 
descending but a little way from the top。 It is a 
marvel that I should have recognized it; and; indeed; 
we had already passed it going at right angles to the 
proper path; when something about it struck me; and I 
turned back and examined it in an idle sort of way; 
and; as it happened; this proved our salvation。

After this we gained the rocky natural stair without 
much further trouble; and in due course found 
ourselves back in the little chamber where the 
benighted Noot had lived and died

But nowa fresh terror stared us in the face。 It will 
be remembered that; owing to Job's fear and 
awkwardness; the plank upon which we had crossed from 
the huge spur to the rocking…stone had been whirled 
off into the tremendous gulf below。

How were we to cross without the plank?

There was only one answerwe must try and _i_ jump 
_i_ it; or else stop there till we starved。 The 
distance in itself was not so very great; between 
eleven and twelve feet I should think; and I have seen 
Leo jump over twenty when he was a young fellow at 
college; but; then; think of the conditions。 Two 
weary; worn…out men; one of them on the wrong side of 
forty; a rocking…stone to take off from; a trembling 
point of rock some few feet across to land upon; and a 
bottomless gulf to be cleared in a raging gale! It was 
bad enough; God knows; but when I pointed out these 
things to Leo; he put the whole matter in a nutshell 
by replying that; merciless as the choice was; we must 
choose between the certainty of a lingering death in 
the chamber and the risk of a swift one in the air。 Of 
course; there was no arguing against this; but one 
thing was clear; we could not attempt that leap in the 
dark; the only thing to do was to wait for the ray of 
light which pierced through the gulf at sunset。 How 
near to or how far from sunset we might be; neither of 
us had the faintest notion; all we did know was; that 
when at last the light came it would not endure more 
than a couple of minutes at the outside; so that we 
must be prepared to meet it。 Accordingly; we made up 
our minds to creep on to the top of the rocking…stone 
and lie there in readiness。 We were the more easily 
reconciled to this course by the fact that our lamps 
were once more nearly exhaustedindeed; one had gone 
out bodily and the other was jumping up and down as 
the flame of a lamp does when the oil is done。 So; by 
the aid of its dying light; we hastened to crawl out 
of the little chamber and clamber up the side of the 
great stone。

As we did so the light went out。 The difference in our 
position was a sufficiently remarkable one。 Below; in 
the little chamber; we had only heard the roaring of 
the gale overheadhere; lying on our faces on the 
swinging stone; we were exposed to its full force and 
fury; as the great draught drew first from this 
direction and then from that; howling against the 
mighty precipice and through the rocky cliffs like ten 
thousand despairing souls。 We lay there hour after 
hour in terror and misery of mind so deep that I will 
not attempt to describe it; and listened to the wild 
storm…voices of that Tartarus; as; set to the deep 
undertone of the spur opposite; against which the wind 
hummed like some awful harp; they called to each other 
from precipice to precipice。 No nightmare dreamed by 
man; no wild invention of the romancer; can ever equal 
the living horror of that place; and the weird crying 
of those voices of the night; as we clung like 
shipwrecked mariners to a raft; and tossed on the 
black; unfathomed wilderness of air。 Fortunately the 
temperature was not a low one; indeed; the wind was 
warm; or we should have perished。 So we clung and 
listened; and while we were stretched out upon the 
rock a thing happened which was so curious and 
suggestive in itself; though doubtless a mere 
coincidence; that; if anything; it added to; rather 
than deducted from; the burden on our nerves。

It will be remembered that when Ayesha was standing on 
the spur; before we crossed to the stone; the wind 
tore her cloak from her; and whirled it away into the 
darkness of the gulf; we could not see whither。 Well
I hardly like to tell the story; it is so strange。 As 
we lay there upon the rocking…stone; this very cloak 
came floating out of the black space; like a memory 
from the dead; and fell on Leoso that it covered him 
nearly from head to foot: We could not at first make 
out what it was; but soon discovered by its feel; and 
then poor Leo; for the first time; gave way; and I 
heard him sobbing there upon the stone。 No doubt the 
cloak had been caught upon some pinnacle of the cliff; 
and was thence blown hither by a chance gust; but 
still; it was a most curious and touching incident。

Shortly after this; suddenly; without the slightest 
previous warning; the great red knife of light came 
stabbing the darkness through and throughstruck the 
swaying stone on which we were; and rested its sharp 
point upon the spur opposite。

〃Now for it;〃 said Leo; 〃now or never。〃

We rose and stretched ourselves; and looked at the 
cloud…wreaths stained the color of blood by that red 
ray as they tore through the sickening depths beneath; 
and then at the empty space between the swaying stone 
and the quivering rock; and; in our hearts; despaired; 
and prepared for death。 Surely we could not clear it
desperate though we were。 

〃Who is to go first?〃 said I。

〃Do you; old fellow;〃 answered Leo。 〃I will sit upon 
the other side of the stone to steady it。 You must 
take as much run as you can; and jump high; and God 
have mercy on us; say I。〃

I acquiesced with a nod; and then I did a thing I had 
never done since Leo was a little boy。 I turned and 
put my arm round him; and kissed him on the forehead。 
It sounds rather French; but as a fact I was taking my 
last farewell of a man whom I could not have loved 
more if he had been my own son twice over。

〃Good…bye; my boy;〃 I said; 〃I hope that we shall meet 
again; wherever it is that we go to。〃

The fact was I did not expect to live another two 

Next I retreated to the far side of the rock; and 
waited till one of the chopping gusts of wind got 
behind me; and then; commending my soul to God; I ran 
the length of the huge stone; some three or four and 
thirty feet; and sprang wildly out into the dizzy air。 
Oh! the sickening terrors that I felt as I launched 
myself at that little point of rock; and the horrible 
sense of despair that shot through my brain as I 
realized that I had _i_ jumped short _i_ 。 But so it 
was; my feet never touched the point; they went down 
into space; only my hands and body came in contact 
with it。 I gripped at it with a yell; but one hand 
slipped; and I swung right round; holding by the 
other; so that I faced the stone from which I had 
sprung。 Wildly I stretched up with my left hand; and 
this time managed to grasp a hob of rock; and there I 
hung in the fierce red light; with thousands of feet 
of empty air beneath me。 My hands were holding to 
either side of the under part of the spur; so that its 
point was touching my head。 Therefore; even if I could 
have found the strength; I could not pull myself up。 
The most that I could do would be to hang for about a 
minute; and then drop down; down into the bottomless 
pit。 If any man can imagine a more hideous position; 
let him speak! All

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