女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > first across the continent >


first across the continent-第46部分

小说: first across the continent 字数: 每页4000字

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ospect of an abundant supply for present needs and for the homeward journey。 An expedition to the seashore was now planned; and the journal goes on to tell how they set out:

〃The appearance of the whale seemed to be a matter of importance to all the neighboring Indians; and as we might be able to procure some of it for ourselves; or at least purchase blubber from the Indians; a small parcel of merchandise was prepared; and a party of the men held in readiness to set out in the morning。  As soon as this resolution was known; Chaboneau and his wife requested that they might be permitted to accompany us。 The poor woman stated very earnestly that she had travelled a great way with us to see the great water; yet she had never been down to the coast; and now that this monstrous fish was also to be seen; it seemed hard that she should be permitted to see neither the ocean nor the whale。 So reasonable a request could not be denied; they were therefore suffered to accompany Captain Clark; who; January 6th; after an early breakfast; set out with twelve men in two canoes。〃

After a long and tedious trip; the camp of the saltmakers was reached; and Captain Clark and his men went on to the remains of the whale; only the skeleton being left by the rapacious and hungry Indians。  The whale had been stranded between two shore villages tenanted by the Killamucks; as Captain Clark called them。  They are now known as the Tillamook Indians; and their name is preserved in Tillamook County; Oregon。  The white men found it difficult to secure much of the blubber; or the oil。 Although the Indians had large quantities of both; they sold it with much reluctance。  In Clark's private diary is found this entry: 〃Small as this stock 'of oil and lubber' is I prize it highly; and thank Providence for directing the whale to us; and think him more kind to us than he was to Jonah; having sent this monster to be swallowed by us instead of swallowing us as Jonah's did。〃 While here; the party had a startling experience; as the journal says:

〃Whilst smoking with the Indians; Captain Clark was surprised; about ten o'clock; by a loud; shrill outcry from the opposite village; on hearing which all the Indians immediately started up to cross the creek; and the guide informed him that someone had been killed。 On examination one of the men 'M'Neal' was discovered to be absent; and a guard 'Sergeant Pryor and four men' despatched; who met him crossing the creek in great haste。  An Indian belonging to another band; who happened to be with the Killamucks that evening; had treated him with much kindness; and walked arm in arm with him to a tent where our man found a Chinnook squaw; who was an old acquaintance。 From the conversation and manner of the stranger; this woman discovered that his object was to murder the white man for the sake of the few articles on his person; when he rose and pressed our man to go to another tent where they would find something better to eat; she held M'Neal by the blanket; not knowing her object; he freed himself from her; and was going on with his pretended friend; when she ran out and gave the shriek which brought the men of the village over; and the stranger ran off before M'Neal knew what had occasioned the alarm。〃

The 〃mighty hunter〃 of the Lewis and Clark expedition was Drewyer; whose name has frequently been mentioned in these pages。 Under date of January 12; the journal has this just tribute to the man:

〃Our meat is now becoming scarce; we therefore determined to jerk it; and issue it in small quantities; instead of dividing it among the four messes; and leaving to each the care of its own provisions; a plan by which much is lost; in consequence of the improvidence of the men。 Two hunters had been despatched in the morning; and one of them; Drewyer; had before evening killed seven elk。  We should scarcely be able to subsist; were it not for the exertions of this most excellent hunter。 The game is scarce; and nothing is now to be seen except elk; which for almost all the men are very difficult to be procured; but Drewyer; who is the offspring of a Canadian Frenchman and an Indian woman; has passed his life in the woods; and unites; in a wonderful degree; the dexterous aim of the frontier huntsman with the intuitive sagacity of the Indian; in pursuing the faintest tracks through the forest。 All our men; however; have indeed become so expert with the rifle that we are never under apprehensions as to food; since; whenever there is game of any kind; we are almost certain of procuring it。〃

The narrative of the explorers gives this account of the Chinooks:

〃The men are low in stature; rather ugly; and ill made; their legs being small and crooked; their feet large; and their heads; like those of the women; flattened in a most disgusting manner。  These deformities are in part concealed by robes made of sea…otter; deer; elk; beaver or fox skins。 They also employ in their dress robes of the skin of a cat peculiar to this country; and of another animal of the same size; which is light and durable; and sold at a high price by the Indians who bring it from above。 In addition to these are worn blankets; wrappers of red; blue; or spotted cloth; and some old sailors' clothes; which are very highly prized。 The greater part of the men have guns; with powder and ball。

〃The women have in general handsome faces; but are low and disproportioned; with small feet and large legs; occasioned; probably; by strands of beads; or various strings; drawn so tight above the ankles as to prevent the circulation of the blood。  Their dress; like that of the Wahkiacums; consists of a short robe and a tissue of cedar bark。  Their hair hangs loosely down the shoulders and back; and their ears; neck; and wrists are ornamented with blue beads。  Another decoration; which is very highly prized; consists of figures made by puncturing the arms or legs; and on the arms of one of the squaws we observed the name of J。 Bowman; executed in the same way。  In language; habits; and in almost every other particular; they resemble the Clatsops; Cathlamahs; and; indeed; all the people near the mouth of the Columbia; though they appeared to be inferior to their neighbors in honesty as well as spirit。 No ill treatment or indignity on our part seemed to excite any feeling except fear; nor; although better provided than their neighbors with arms; have they enterprise enough either to use them advantageously against the animals of the forest; or offensively against the tribes near them; who owe their safety more to the timidity than the forbearance of the Chinooks。  We had heard instances of pilfering while we were among them; and therefore gave a general order excluding them from our encampment; so that whenever an Indian wished to visit us; he began by calling out ‘No Chinook。'  It is not improbable that this first impression may have left a prejudice against them; since; when we were among the Clatsops and other tribes at the mouth of the Columbia; they had less opportunity of stealing; if they were so disposed。〃

The weeks remaining before the party set out on their return were passed without notable incident。  The journal is chiefly occupied with comments on the weather; which was variable; and some account of the manners and customs of the Indian tribes along the Columbia River。  At that time; so few traders had penetrated the wilds of the Lower Columbia that the Indians were not supplied with firearms to any great extent。 Their main reliance was the bow and arrow。  A few shotguns were seen among them; but no rifles; and great was the admiration and wonder with which the Indians saw the white men slay birds and animals at a long distance。 Pitfalls for elk were constructed by the side of fallen trees over which the animals might leap。  Concerning the manufactures of the Clatsops; they reported as follows:

〃Their hats are made of cedar…bark and bear…grass; interwoven together in the form of a European hat; with a small brim of about two inches; and a high crown widening upward。  They are light; ornamented with various colors and figures; and being nearly water…proof; are much more durable than either chip or straw hats。 These hats form a small article of traffic with the whites; and their manufacture is one of the best exertions of Indian industry。 They are; however; very dexterous in making a variety of domestic utensils; among which are bowls; spoons; scewers 'skewers'; spits; and baskets。 The bowl or trough is of different shapesround; semicircular; in the form of a canoe; or cubic; and generally dug out of a single piece of wood; the larger vessels have holes in the sides by way of handles; and all are executed with great neatness。 In these vessels they boil their food; by throwing hot stones into the water; and extract oil from different animals in the same way。 Spoons are not very abundant; nor is there anything remarkable in their shape; except that they are large and the bowl broad。 Meat is roasted on one end of a sharp skewer; placed erect before the fire; with the other end fixed in the ground。

〃But the most curious workmanship is that of the basket。 It is formed of cedar…bark and bear…grass; so closely interwoven that it is water…tight; without the aid of either gum 

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