女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > madame bovary >


madame bovary-第68部分

小说: madame bovary 字数: 每页4000字

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odours; then upon the mouth; that had uttered lies; that had
curled with pride and cried out in lewdness; then upon the hands
that had delighted in sensual touches; and finally upon the soles
of the feet; so swift of yore; when she was running to satisfy
her desires; and that would now walk no more。

The cure wiped his fingers; threw the bit of cotton dipped in oil
into the fire; and came and sat down by the dying woman; to tell
her that she must now blend her sufferings with those of Jesus
Christ and abandon herself to the divine mercy。

Finishing his exhortations; he tried to place in her hand a
blessed candle; symbol of the celestial glory with which she was
soon to be surrounded。 Emma; too weak; could not close her
fingers; and the taper; but for Monsieur Bournisien would have
fallen to the ground。

However; she was not quite so pale; and her face had an
expression of serenity as if the sacrament had cured her。

The priest did not fail to point this out; he even explained to
Bovary that the Lord sometimes prolonged the life of persons when
he thought it meet for their salvation; and Charles remembered
the day when; so near death; she had received the communion。
Perhaps there was no need to despair; he thought。

In fact; she looked around her slowly; as one awakening from a
dream; then in a distinct voice she asked for her looking…glass;
and remained some time bending over it; until the big tears fell
from her eyes。 Then she turned away her head with a sigh and fell
back upon the pillows。

Her chest soon began panting rapidly; the whole of her tongue
protruded from her mouth; her eyes; as they rolled; grew paler;
like the two globes of a lamp that is going out; so that one
might have thought her already dead but for the fearful labouring
of her ribs; shaken by violent breathing; as if the soul were
struggling to free itself。 Felicite knelt down before the
crucifix; and the druggist himself slightly bent his knees; while
Monsieur Canivet looked out vaguely at the Place。 Bournisien had
again begun to pray; his face bowed against the edge of the bed;
his long black cassock trailing behind him in the room。 Charles
was on the other side; on his knees; his arms outstretched
towards Emma。 He had taken her hands and pressed them; shuddering
at every beat of her heart; as at the shaking of a falling ruin。
As the death…rattle became stronger the priest prayed faster; his
prayers mingled with the stifled sobs of Bovary; and sometimes
all seemed lost in the muffled murmur of the Latin syllables that
tolled like a passing bell。

Suddenly on the pavement was heard a loud noise of clogs and the
clattering of a stick; and a voice rosea raucous voicethat

〃Maids an the warmth of a summer day
Dream of love and of love always〃

Emma raised herself like a galvanised corpse; her hair undone;
her eyes fixed; staring。

〃Where the sickle blades have been;
Nannette; gathering ears of corn;
Passes bending down; my queen;
To the earth where they were born。〃

〃The blind man!〃 she cried。 And Emma began to laugh; an
atrocious; frantic; despairing laugh; thinking she saw the
hideous face of the poor wretch that stood out against the
eternal night like a menace。

〃The wind is strong this summer day;
Her petticoat has flown away。〃

She fell back upon the mattress in a convulsion。 They all drew
near。 She was dead。

Chapter Nine

There is always after the death of anyone a kind of stupefaction;
so difficult is it to grasp this advent of nothingness and to
resign ourselves to believe in it。 But still; when he saw that
she did not move; Charles threw himself upon her; crying

〃Farewell! farewell!〃

Homais and Canivet dragged him from the room。

〃Restrain yourself 〃

〃Yes。〃 said he; struggling; 〃I'll be quiet。 I'll not do anything。
But leave me alone。 I want to see her。 She is my wife!〃

And he wept。

〃Cry;〃 said the chemist; 〃let nature take her course; that will
solace you。〃

Weaker than a child; Charles let himself be led downstairs into
the sitting…room; and Monsieur Homais soon went home。 On the
Place he was accosted by the blind man; who; having dragged
himself as far as Yonville; in the hope of getting the
antiphlogistic pomade; was asking every passer…by where the
druggist lived。

〃There now! as if I hadn't got other fish to fry。 Well; so much
the worse; you must come later on。〃

And he entered the shop hurriedly。

He had to write two letters; to prepare a soothing potion for
Bovary; to invent some lie that would conceal the poisoning; and
work it up into an article for the 〃Fanal;〃 without counting the
people who were waiting to get the news from him; and when the
Yonvillers had all heard his story of the arsenic that she had
mistaken for sugar in making a vanilla cream。 Homais once more
returned to Bovary's。

He found him alone (Monsieur Canivet had left); sitting in an
arm…chair near the window; staring with an idiotic look at the
flags of the floor。

〃Now;〃 said the chemist; 〃you ought yourself to fix the hour for
the ceremony。〃

〃Why? What ceremony?〃 Then; in a stammering; frightened voice;
〃Oh; no! not that。 No! I want to see her here。〃

Homais; to keep himself in countenance; took up a water…bottle on
the whatnot to water the geraniums。

〃Ah! thanks;〃 said Charles; 〃you are good。〃

But he did not finish; choking beneath the crowd of memories that
this action of the druggist recalled to him。

Then to distract him; Homais thought fit to talk a little
horticulture: plants wanted humidity。 Charles bowed his head in
sign of approbation。

〃Besides; the fine days will soon be here again。〃

〃Ah!〃 said Bovary。

The druggist; at his wit's end; began softly to draw aside the
small window…curtain。

〃Hallo! there's Monsieur Tuvache passing。〃

Charles repeated like a machine…

〃Monsieur Tuvache passing!〃

Homais did not dare to speak to him again about the funeral
arrangements; it was the priest who succeeded in reconciling him
to them。

He shut himself up in his consulting…room; took a pen; and after
sobbing for some time; wrote

〃I wish her to be buried in her wedding…dress; with white shoes;
and a wreath。 Her hair is to be spread out over her shoulders。
Three coffins; one of oak; one of mahogany; one of lead。 Let no
one say anything to me。 I shall have strength。 Over all there is
to be placed a large piece of green velvet。 This is my wish; see
that it is done。〃

The two men were much surprised at Bovary's romantic ideas。 The
chemist at once went to him and said

〃This velvet seems to me a superfetation。 Besides; the expense〃

〃What's that to you?〃 cried Charles。 〃Leave me! You did not love
her。 Go!〃

The priest took him by the arm for a turn in the garden。 He
discoursed on the vanity of earthly things。 God was very great;
was very good: one must submit to his decrees without a murmur;
nay; must even thank him。

Charles burst out into blasphemies: 〃I hate your God!〃

〃The spirit of rebellion is still upon you;〃 sighed the

Bovary was far away。 He was walking with great strides along by
the wall; near the espalier; and he ground his teeth; he raised
to heaven looks of malediction; but not so much as a leaf

A fine rain was falling: Charles; whose chest was bare; at last
began to shiver; he went in and sat down in the kitchen。

At six o'clock a noise like a clatter of old iron was heard on
the Place; it was the 〃Hirondelle〃 coming in; and he remained
with his forehead against the windowpane; watching all the
passengers get out; one after the other。 Felicite put down a
mattress for him in the drawing…room。 He threw himself upon it
and fell asleep。

Although a philosopher; Monsieur Homais respected the dead。 So
bearing no grudge to poor Charles; he came back again in the
evening to sit up with the body; bringing with him three volumes
and a pocket…book for taking notes。

Monsieur Bournisien was there; and two large candles were burning
at the head of the bed; that had been taken out of the alcove。
The druggist; on whom the silence weighed; was not long before he
began formulating some regrets about this 〃unfortunate young
woman。〃 and the priest replied that there was nothing to do now
but pray for her。

〃Yet;〃 Homais went on; 〃one of two things; either she died in a
state of grace (as the Church has it); and then she has no need
of our prayers; or else she departed impertinent (that is; I
believe; the ecclesiastical expression); and then〃

Bournisien interrupted him; replying testily that it was none the
less necessary to pray。

〃But;〃 objected the chemist; 〃since God knows all our needs; what
can be the good of prayer?〃

〃What!〃 cried the ecclesiastic; 〃prayer! Why; aren't you a

〃Excuse me;〃 said Homais; 〃I admire Christianity。 To begin with;
it enfranchised the slaves; introduced into the world a

〃That isn't the question。 All the texts…〃

〃Oh! oh! As to texts; look at history; it; is known that all the
texts have been falsified by the Jesuits。〃

Charles came in; and advancing towards the bed; slowly drew the

Emma's head was turned towards her right shoulder; the corner of

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