女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the son of tarzan >


the son of tarzan-第35部分

小说: the son of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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his rifle and covered the beast's breast。  The girl reached the kid's side。  Her knife flashed; and the little prisoner was free。 With a parting bleat it dashed off into the jungle。  Then the girl turned to retreat toward the safety of the tree from which she had dropped so suddenly and unexpectedly into the surprised view of the lion; the kid and the man。

As she turned the girl's face was turned toward the hunter。 His eyes went wide as he saw her features。  He gave a little gasp of surprise; but now the lion demanded all his attentionthe baffled; angry beast was charging。  His breast was still covered by the motionless rifle。  The man could have fired and stopped the charge at once; but for some reason; since he had seen the girl's face; he hesitated。  Could it be that he did not care to save her?  Or; did he prefer; if possible; to remain unseen by her?  It must have been the latter cause which kept the trigger finger of the steady hand from exerting the little pressure that would have brought the great beast to at least a temporary pause。

Like an eagle the man watched the race for life the girl was making。  A second or two measured the time which the whole exciting event consumed from the moment that the lion broke into his charge。  Nor once did the rifle sights fail to cover the broad breast of the tawny sire as the lion's course took him a little to the man's left。  Once; at the very last moment; when escape seemed impossible; the hunter's finger tightened ever so little upon the trigger; but almost coincidentally the girl leaped for an over hanging branch and seized it。  The lion leaped too; but the nimble Meriem had swung herself beyond his reach without a second or an inch to spare。

The man breathed a sigh of relief as he lowered his rifle。  He saw the girl fling a grimace at the angry; roaring; maneater beneath her; and then; laughing; speed away into the forest。  For an hour the lion remained about the water hole。  A hundred times could the hunter have bagged his prey。  Why did he fail to do so? Was he afraid that the shot might attract the girl and cause her to return?

At last Numa; still roaring angrily; strode majestically into the jungle。  The hunter crawled from his boma; and half an hour later was entering a little camp snugly hidden in the forest。  A handful of black followers greeted his return with sullen indifference。  He was a great bearded man; a huge; yellow…bearded giant; when he entered his tent。  Half an hour later he emerged smooth shaven。

His blacks looked at him in astonishment。

〃Would you know me?〃 he asked。

〃The hyena that bore you would not know you; Bwana;〃 replied one。

The man aimed a heavy fist at the black's face; but long experience in dodging similar blows saved the presumptuous one。

Chapter 17

Meriem returned slowly toward the tree in which she had left her skirt; her shoes and her stockings。  She was singing blithely; but her song came to a sudden stop when she came within sight of the tree; for there; disporting themselves with glee and pulling and hauling upon her belongings; were a number of baboons。  When they saw her they showed no signs of terror。  Instead they bared their fangs and growled at her。 What was there to fear in a single she…Tarmangani?  Nothing; absolutely nothing。

In the open plain beyond the forest the hunters were returning from the day's sport。  They were widely separated; hoping to raise a wandering lion on the homeward journey across the plain。 The Hon。 Morison Baynes rode closest to the forest。  As his eyes wandered back and forth across the undulating; shrub sprinkled ground they fell upon the form of a creature close beside the thick jungle where it terminated abruptly at the plain's edge。

He reined his mount in the direction of his discovery。  It was yet too far away for his untrained eyes to recognize it; but as he came closer he saw that it was a horse; and was about to resume the original direction of his way when he thought that he discerned a saddle upon the beast's back。  He rode a little closer。  Yes; the animal was saddled。  The Hon。 Morison approached yet nearer; and as he did so his eyes expressed a pleasurable emotion of anticipation; for they had now recognized the pony as the special favorite of Meriem。

He galloped to the animal's side。  Meriem must be within the wood。  The man shuddered a little at the thought of an unprotected girl alone in the jungle that was still; to him; a fearful place of terrors and stealthily stalking death。  He dismounted and left his horse beside Meriem's。  On foot he entered the jungle。 He knew that she was probably safe enough and he wished to surprise her by coming suddenly upon her。

He had gone but a short distance into the wood when he heard a great jabbering in a near…by tree。  Coming closer he saw a band of baboons snarling over something。  Looking intently he saw that one of them held a woman's riding skirt and that others had boots and stockings。  His heart almost ceased to beat as he quite naturally placed the most direful explanation upon the scene。 The baboons had killed Meriem and stripped this clothing from her body。  Morison shuddered。

He was about to call aloud in the hope that after all the girl still lived when he saw her in a tree close beside that was occupied by the baboons; and now he saw that they were snarling and jabbering at her。  To his amazement he saw the girl swing; ape…like; into the tree below the huge beasts。  He saw her pause upon a branch a few feet from the nearest baboon。  He was about to raise his rifle and put a bullet through the hideous creature that seemed about to leap upon her when he heard the girl speak。 He almost dropped his rifle from surprise as a strange jabbering; identical with that of the apes; broke from Meriem's lips。

The baboons stopped their snarling and listened。  It was quite evident that they were as much surprised as the Hon。 Morison Baynes。  Slowly and one by one they approached the girl。  She gave not the slightest evidence of fear of them。  They quite surrounded her now so that Baynes could not have fired without endangering the girl's life; but he no longer desired to fire。  He was consumed with curiosity。

For several minutes the girl carried on what could be nothing less than a conversation with the baboons; and then with seeming alacrity every article of her apparel in their possession was handed over to her。  The baboons still crowded eagerly about her as she donned them。  They chattered to her and she chattered back。  The Hon。 Morison Baynes sat down at the foot of a tree and mopped his perspiring brow。  Then he rose and made his way back to his mount。

When Meriem emerged from the forest a few minutes later she found him there; and he eyed her with wide eyes in which were both wonder and a sort of terror。

〃I saw your horse here;〃 he explained; 〃and thought that I would wait and ride home with youyou do not mind?〃

〃Of course not;〃 she replied。  〃It will be lovely。〃

As they made their way stirrup to stirrup across the plain the Hon。 Morison caught himself many times watching the girl's regular profile and wondering if his eyes had deceived him or if; in truth; he really had seen this lovely creature consorting with grotesque baboons and conversing with them as fluently as she conversed with him。  The thing was uncannyimpossible; yet he had seen it with his own eyes。

And as he watched her another thought persisted in obtruding itself into his mind。  She was most beautiful and very desirable; but what did he know of her?  Was she not altogether impossible? Was the scene that he had but just witnessed not sufficient proof of her impossibility?  A woman who climbed trees and conversed with the baboons of the jungle!  It was quite horrible!

Again the Hon。 Morison mopped his brow。  Meriem glanced toward him。

〃You are warm;〃 she said。  〃Now that the sun is setting I find it quite cool。  Why do you perspire now?〃

He had not intended to let her know that he had seen her with the baboons; but quite suddenly; before he realized what he was saying; he had blurted it out。

〃I perspire from emotion;〃 he said。  〃I went into the jungle when I discovered your pony。  I wanted to surprise you; but it was I who was surprised。  I saw you in the trees with the baboons。〃

〃Yes?〃 she said quite unemotionally; as though it was a matter of little moment that a young girl should be upon intimate terms with savage jungle beasts。

〃It was horrible!〃 ejaculated the Hon。 Morison。

〃Horrible?〃 repeated Meriem; puckering her brows in bewilderment。  〃What was horrible about it?  They are my friends。 Is it horrible to talk with one's friends?〃

〃You were really talking with them; then?〃 cried the Hon。 Morison。  〃You understood them and they understood you?〃


〃But they are hideous creaturesdegraded beasts of a lower order。  How could you speak the language of beasts?〃

〃They are not hideous; and they are not degraded;〃 replied Meriem。  〃Friends are never that。  I lived among them for years before Bwana found me and brought me here。  I scarce knew any other tongue than that of the mangani。  Should I refuse to know them now simply because I happen; for the present; to live among humans?〃


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