女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > beasts and superbeasts >


beasts and superbeasts-第31部分

小说: beasts and superbeasts 字数: 每页4000字

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those pictures are faked。〃

Adela Pingsford said nothing; but led the way to her 

garden。  It was normally a fair…sized garden; but it 

looked small in comparison with the ox; a huge mottled 

brute; dull red about the head and shoulders; passing to 

dirty white on the flanks and hind…quarters; with shaggy 

ears and large blood…shot eyes。  It bore about as much 

resemblance to the dainty paddock heifers that Eshley was 

accustomed to paint as the chief of a Kurdish nomad clan 

would to a Japanese tea…shop girl。  Eshley stood very 

near the gate while he studied the animal's appearance 

and demeanour。  Adela Pingsford continued to say nothing。

〃It's eating a chrysanthemum;〃 said Eshley at last; 

when the silence had become unbearable。

〃How observant you are;〃 said Adela bitterly。  〃You 

seem to notice everything。  As a matter of fact; it has 

got six chrysanthemums in its mouth at the present 


The necessity for doing something was becoming 

imperative。  Eshley took a step or two in the direction 

of the animal; clapped his hands; and made noises of the 

〃Hish〃 and 〃Shoo〃 variety。  If the ox heard them it gave 

no outward indication of the fact。

〃If any hens should ever stray into my garden;〃 said 

Adela; 〃I should certainly send for you to frighten them 

out。  You 'shoo' beautifully。  Meanwhile; do you mind 

trying to drive that ox away?  That is a MADEMOISELLE 

LOUISE BICHOT that he's begun on now;〃 she added in icy 

calm; as a glowing orange head was crushed into the huge 

munching mouth。

〃Since you have been so frank about the variety of 

the chrysanthemum;〃 said Eshley; 〃I don't mind telling 

you that this is an Ayrshire ox。〃

The icy calm broke down; Adela Pingsford used 

language that sent the artist instinctively a few feet 

nearer to the ox。  He picked up a pea…stick and flung it 

with some determination against the animal's mottled 

flanks。  The operation of mashing MADEMOISELLE LOUISE 

BICHOT into a petal salad was suspended for a long 

moment; while the ox gazed with concentrated inquiry at 

the stick…thrower。  Adela gazed with equal concentration 

and more obvious hostility at the same focus。  As the 

beast neither lowered its head nor stamped its feet 

Eshley ventured on another javelin exercise with another 

pea…stick。  The ox seemed to realise at once that it was 

to go; it gave a hurried final pluck at the bed where the 

chrysanthemums had been; and strode swiftly up the 

garden。  Eshley ran to head it towards the gate; but only 

succeeded in quickening its pace from a walk to a 

lumbering trot。  With an air of inquiry; but with no real 

hesitation; it crossed the tiny strip of turf that the 

charitable called the croquet lawn; and pushed its way 

through the open French window into the morning…room。  

Some chrysanthemums and other autumn herbage stood about 

the room in vases; and the animal resumed its browsing 

operations; all the same; Eshley fancied that the 

beginnings of a hunted look had come into its eyes; a 

look that counselled respect。  He discontinued his 

attempt to interfere with its choice of surroundings。

〃Mr。 Eshley;〃 said Adela in a shaking voice; 〃I 

asked you to drive that beast out of my garden; but I did 

not ask you to drive it into my house。  If I must have it 

anywhere on the premises I prefer the garden to the 


〃Cattle drives are not in my line;〃 said Eshley; 〃if 

I remember I told you so at the outset。〃  〃I quite 

agree;〃 retorted the lady; 〃painting pretty pictures of 

pretty little cows is what you're suited for。  Perhaps 

you'd like to do a nice sketch of that ox making itself 

at home in my morning…room?〃

This time it seemed as if the worm had turned; 

Eshley began striding away。

〃Where are you going?〃 screamed Adela。

〃To fetch implements;〃 was the answer。

〃Implements?  I won't have you use a lasso。  The 

room will be wrecked if there's a struggle。〃

But the artist marched out of the garden。  In a 

couple of minutes he returned; laden with easel; 

sketching…stool; and painting materials。

〃Do you mean to say that you're going to sit quietly 

down and paint that brute while it's destroying my 

morning…room?〃 gasped Adela。

〃It was your suggestion;〃 said Eshley; setting his 

canvas in position。

〃I forbid it; I absolutely forbid it!〃 stormed 


〃I don't see what standing you have in the matter;〃 

said the artist; 〃you can hardly pretend that it's your 

ox; even by adoption。〃

〃You seem to forget that it's in my morning…room; 

eating my flowers;〃 came the raging retort。

〃You seem to forget that the cook has neuralgia;〃 

said Eshley; 〃she may be just dozing off into a merciful 

sleep and your outcry will waken her。  Consideration for 

others should be the guiding principle of people in our 

station of life。〃

〃The man is mad!〃 exclaimed Adela tragically。  A 

moment later it was Adela herself who appeared to go mad。  

The ox had finished the vase…flowers and the cover of 

〃Israel Kalisch;〃 and appeared to be thinking of leaving 

its rather restricted quarters。  Eshley noticed its 

restlessness and promptly flung it some bunches of 

Virginia creeper leaves as an inducement to continue the 


〃I forget how the proverb runs;〃 he observed; of 

something about 'better a dinner of herbs than a stalled 

ox where hate is。'  We seem to have all the ingredients 

for the proverb ready to hand。〃

〃I shall go to the Public Library and get them to 

telephone for the police;〃 announced Adela; and; raging 

audibly; she departed。

Some minutes later the ox; awakening probably to the 

suspicion that oil cake and chopped mangold was waiting 

for it in some appointed byre; stepped with much 

precaution out of the morning…room; stared with grave 

inquiry at the no longer obtrusive and pea…stick…throwing 

human; and then lumbered heavily but swiftly out of the 

garden。  Eshley packed up his tools and followed the 

animal's example and 〃Larkdene〃 was left to neuralgia and 

the cook。

The episode was the turning…point in Eshley's 

artistic career。  His remarkable picture; 〃Ox in a 

morning…room; late autumn;〃 was one of the sensations and 

successes of the next Paris Salon; and when it was 

subsequently exhibited at Munich it was bought by the 

Bavarian Government; in the teeth of the spirited bidding 

of three meat…extract firms。  From that moment his 

success was continuous and assured; and the Royal Academy 

was thankful; two years later; to give a conspicuous 

position on its walls to his large canvas 〃Barbary Apes 

Wrecking a Boudoir。〃

Eshley presented Adela Pingsford with a new copy of 

〃Israel Kalisch;〃 and a couple of finely flowering plants 

of MADAME ADNRE BLUSSET; but nothing in the nature of a 

real reconciliation has taken place between them。


IT was a hot afternoon; and the railway carriage was 

correspondingly sultry; and the next stop was at 

Templecombe; nearly an hour ahead。  The occupants of the 

carriage were a small girl; and a smaller girl; and a 

small boy。  An aunt belonging to the children occupied 

one corner seat; and the further corner seat on the 

opposite side was occupied by a bachelor who was a 

stranger to their party; but the small girls and the 

small boy emphatically occupied the compartment。  Both 

the aunt and the children were conversational in a 

limited; persistent way; reminding one of the attentions 

of a housefly that refuses to be discouraged。  Most of 

the aunt's remarks seemed to begin with 〃Don't;〃 and 

nearly all of the children's remarks began with 〃Why?〃  

The bachelor said nothing out loud。  〃Don't; Cyril; 

don't;〃 exclaimed the aunt; as the small boy began 

smacking the cushions of the seat; producing a cloud of 

dust at each blow。

〃Come and look out of the window;〃 she added。

The child moved reluctantly to the window。  〃Why are 

those sheep being driven out of that field?〃 he asked。

〃I expect they are being driven to another field 

where there is more grass;〃 said the aunt weakly。

〃But there is lots of grass in that field;〃 

protested the boy; 〃there's nothing else but grass there。  

Aunt; there's lots of grass in that field。〃

〃Perhaps the grass in the other field is better;〃 

suggested the aunt fatuously。

〃Why is it better?〃 came the swift; inevitable 


〃Oh; look at those cows!〃 exclaimed the aunt。  

Nearly every field along the line had contained cows or 

bullocks; but she spoke as though she were drawing 

attention to a rarity。

〃Why is the grass in the other field better?〃 

persisted Cyril。

The frown on the bachelor's face was deepening to a 

scowl。  He was a hard; unsympathetic man; the aunt 

decided in her mind。  She was utterly unable to come to 

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