女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the night-born >


the night-born-第22部分

小说: the night-born 字数: 每页4000字

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of undergrowth on either side。 And as he watched; so did he

listen; though he rode on in silence; save for the boom of

heavy guns from far to the west。 This had been sounding

monotonously in his ears for hours; and only its cessation

could have aroused his notice。 For he had business closer to

hand。 Across his saddle…bow was balanced a carbine。

So tensely was he strung; that a bunch of quail; exploding into

flight from under his horse's nose; startled him to such an

extent that automatically; instantly; he had reined in and

fetched the carbine halfway to his shoulder。 He grinned

sheepishly; recovered himself; and rode on。 So tense was he; so

bent upon the work he had to do; that the sweat stung his eyes

unwiped; and unheeded rolled down his nose and spattered his

saddle pommel。 The band of his cavalryman's hat was

fresh…stained with sweat。 The roan horse under him was likewise

wet。 It was high noon of a breathless day of heat。 Even the

birds and squirrels did not dare the sun; but sheltered in

shady hiding places among the trees。

Man and horse were littered with leaves and dusted with yellow

pollen; for the open was ventured no more than was compulsory。

They kept to the brush and trees; and invariably the man halted

and peered out before crossing a dry glade or naked stretch of

upland pasturage。 He worked always to the north; though his way

was devious; and it was from the north that he seemed most to

apprehend that for which he was looking。 He was no coward; but

his courage was only that of the average civilized man; and he

was looking to live; not die。

Up a small hillside he followed a cowpath through such dense

scrub that he was forced to dismount and lead his horse。 But

when the path swung around to the west; he abandoned it and

headed to the north again along the oak…covered top of the


The ridge ended in a steep descent…so steep that he zigzagged

back and forth across the face of the slope; sliding and

stumbling among the dead leaves and matted vines and keeping a

watchful eye on the horse above that threatened to fall down

upon him。 The sweat ran from him; and the pollen…dust; settling

pungently in mouth and nostrils; increased his thirst。 Try as

he would; nevertheless the descent was noisy; and frequently he

stopped; panting in the dry heat an d listening for any warning

from beneath。

At the bottom he came out on a flat; so densely forested that

he could not make out its extent。 Here the character of the

woods changed; and he was able to remount。 Instead of the

twisted hillside oaks; tall straight trees; big…trunked and

prosperous; rose from the damp fat soil。 Only here and there

were thickets; easily avoided; while he encountered winding;

park…like glades where the cattle had pastured in the days

before war had run them off。

His progress was more rapid now; as he came down into the

valley; and at the end of half an hour he halted at an ancient

rail fence on the edge of a clearing。 He did not like the

openness of it; yet his path lay across to the fringe of trees

that marked the banks of the stream。 It was a mere quarter of a

mile across that open; but the thought of venturing out in it

was repugnant。 A rifle; a score of them; a thousand; might lurk

in that fringe by the stream。

Twice he essayed to start; and twice he paused。 He was appalled

by his own loneliness。 The pulse of war that beat from the West

suggested the companionship of battling thousands; here was

naught but silence; and himself; and possible death…dealing

bullets from a myriad ambushes。 And yet his task was to find

what he feared to find。 He must on; and on; till somewhere;

some time; he encountered another man; or other men; from the

other side; scouting; as he was scouting; to make report; as he

must make report; of having come in touch。

Changing his mind; he skirted inside the woods for a distance;

and again peeped forth。 This time; in the middle of the

clearing; he saw a small farmhouse。 There were no signs of

life。 No smoke curled from the chimney; not a barnyard fowl

clucked and strutted。 The kitchen door stood open; and he gazed

so long and hard into the black aperture that it seemed almost

that a farmer's wife must emerge at any moment。

He licked the pollen and dust from his dry lips; stiffened

himself; mind and body; and rode out into the blazing sunshine。

Nothing stirred。 He went on past the house; and approached the

wall of trees and bushes by the river's bank。 One thought

persisted maddeningly。 It was of the crash into his body of a

high…velocity bullet。 It made him feel very fragile and

defenseless; and he crouched lower in the saddle。

Tethering his horse in the edge of the wood; he continued a

hundred yards on foot till he came to the stream。 Twenty feet

wide it was; without perceptible current; cool and inviting;

and he was very thirsty。 But he waited inside his screen of

leafage; his eyes fixed on the screen on the opposite side。 To

make the wait endurable; he sat down; his carbine resting on

his knees。 The minutes passed; and slowly his tenseness

relaxed。 At last he decided there was no danger; but just as he

prepared to part the bushes and bend down to the water; a

movement among the opposite bushes caught his eye。

It might be a bird。 But he waited。 Again there was an agitation

of the bushes; and then; so suddenly that it almost startled a

cry from him; the bushes parted and a face peered out。 It was a

face covered with several weeks' growth of ginger…colored

beard。 The eyes were blue and wide apart; with

laughter…wrinkles in the comers that showed despite the tired

and anxious expression of the whole face。

All this he could see with microscopic clearness; for the

distance was no more than twenty feet。 And all this he saw in

such brief time; that he saw it as he lifted his carbine to his

shoulder。 He glanced along the sights; and knew that he was

gazing upon a man who was as good as dead。 It was impossible to

miss at such point blank range。

But he did not shoot。 Slowly he lowered the carbine and

watched。 A hand; clutching a water…bottle; became visible and

the ginger beard bent downward to fill the bottle。 He could

hear the gurgle of the water。 Then arm and bottle and ginger

beard disappeared behind the closing bushes。 A long time he

waited; when; with thirst unslaked; he crept back to his horse;

rode slowly across the sun…washed clearing; and passed into the

shelter of the woods beyond。


Another day; hot and breathless。 A deserted farmhouse; large;

with many outbuildings and an orchard; standing in a clearing。

From the Woods; on a roan horse; carbine across pommel; rode

the young man with the quick black eyes。 He breathed with

relief as he gained the house。 That a fight had taken place

here earlier in the season was evident。 Clips and empty

cartridges; tarnished with verdigris; lay on the ground; which;

while wet; had been torn up by the hoofs of horses。 Hard by the

kitchen garden were graves; tagged and numbered。 From the oak

tree by the kitchen door; in tattered; weatherbeaten garments;

hung the bodies of two men。 The faces; shriveled and defaced;

bore no likeness to the faces of men。 The roan horse snorted

beneath them; and the rider caressed and soothed it and tied it

farther away。

Entering the house; he found the interior a wreck。 He trod on

empty cartridges as he walked from room to room to reconnoiter

from the windows。 Men had camped and slept everywhere; and on

the floor of one room he came upon stains unmistakable where

the wounded had been laid down。

Again outside; he led the horse around behind the barn and

invaded the orchard。 A dozen trees were burdened with ripe

apples。 He filled his pockets; eating while he picked。 Then a

thought came to him; and he glanced at the sun; calculating the

time of his return to camp。 He pulled off his shirt; tying the

sleeves and making a bag。 This he proceeded to fill with


As he was about to mount his horse; the animal suddenly pricked

up its ears。 The man; too; listened; and heard; faintly; the

thud of hoofs on soft earth。 He crept to the corner of the barn

and peered out。 A dozen mounted men; strung out loosely;

approaching from the opposite side of the clearing; were only a

matter of a hundred yards or so away。 They rode on to the

house。 Some dismounted; while others remained in the saddle as

an earnest that their stay would be short。 They seemed to be

holding a council; for he could hear them talking excitedly in

the detested tongue of the alien invader。 The time passed; but

they seemed unable to reach a decision。 He put the carbine away

in its boot; mounted; and waited impatiently; balancing the

shirt of apples on the pommel。

He heard footsteps approaching; and drove his spurs so fiercely

into the roan as to force a surprised groan from the animal as


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