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the origins of contemporary france-5-第99部分

小说: the origins of contemporary france-5 字数: 每页4000字

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owing to there being less than 60;000 rentals for the acquittance of

the entire tax; and; besides paying their own debt; they must

discharge the indebtedness of 625;000 other rentals; the tax on which

is reduced or null。… Frequently; before the Revolution; some rich

convent or philanthropic seignior would pay the taxes of his poor

neighbors out of his own pocket; willingly or not; 60;000 Parisians;

more or less well lodged; now hand over the same sum; bestow the same

charity; on 625;000 thousand badly or only tolerably lodged Parisians;

among these 60;000 benefactors whom the exchequer obliges to be

benevolent; 34;800 who pay from 1000 to 3000 francs rent; bestow;

under this heading; a pretty large sum for charitable purposes; while

14;800; who pay more than 3000 francs rent; pay a very large one。

Other branches of direct taxation; in the country as well as in the

city; present the same spectacle: it is always the rich or the well…

to…do taxpayers who; through their over…tax; more or less completely

relieve the poor or straitened taxpayers; it is always the owners of

large or small properties; those who pay heavy or average licenses;

the occupants of lodgings with more than five openings;'21' and whose

locative value surpasses 1000 francs; who in local expenditure pay

besides their own dues the dues of others and; through their

additional centimes; almost entirely defray the expenses of the

department and commune。This is nearly always the case in a local

society; except when it chances to possess an abundant income; arising

from productive real estate; and is able to provide for its wants

without taxing its members; apart from this rare exception; it is

forced to tax some in order to relieve others。 In other words; the

same as with other enterprises; it manufactures and sells its product

but; just the reverse of other enterprises; it sells the product; an

equal quantity of the same product; that is to say; equal protection

against the same calamities; and the equal enjoyment of the same

public highway; at unequal prices; very dear to a few; moderately dear

to many; at cost price to a large number; and with a discount to the

mass; to this last class of consumers the discount goes on increasing

like the emptiness of their purse; to the last of all; extremely

numerous; the goods are delivered almost gratis; or even for nothing。

But to this inequality of prices may correspond the inequality of

rights; and compensation will come; the balance may be restored;

distributive justice may be applied; if; in the government of the

enterprise; the parts assigned are not equal; if each member sees his

portion of influence growing or diminishing along with the weight of

his charge; if the regulations; graduating authority according to the

scale of the levies; assigns few votes to those who pay the lowest

quotas of expense and receive alms; and many votes to those who give

alms and pay the largest quotas of the expenditure。

III。 Equity in taxation。

Possible compensation in the other side of the scale。 … What the

distribution of rights should be according to the principle of

distributive justice。 … In every association of stock…owners。 … In

local society confined to its natural object。 … In local society

charged with supplementary functions。 … The local statue in England

and Prussia。 … The exchange equitable when burdens are compensated by


Such is the rule in every association of interests; even in stock

companies in which the distribution of charges allows of no favor or

disfavor to any associate。 It must be noted that; in these companies;

co…operation is not compulsory; but voluntary; the associates are not;

as in the local society; conscripts enlisted under the constraint of

physical solidarity; but subscribers bound together under the

impulsion of a deliberate preference; each remaining in its of his own

free will just as he entered it; if he wishes to leave it he has only

to sell his stock; the fact of his keeping this confirms his

subscription; and; thus holding on to it; he daily subscribes anew to

the statute。 Here; then; is a perfectly free association; its is

accordingly perfectly equitable; and its statute serves as a model for


Now this statute always makes a distinction between the small and the

large stockholders; it always attributes a greater share of authority

and influence to those who share most largely in the risks and

expenses; in principle; the number of votes in confers on each

associate is proportionate to the number of shares of which he is the

owner or bearer。 … All the stronger is the reason why this principle

should be embodied in the statutes of a society which; like the local

community; diminishes the burden of the small taxpayer through its

reductions; and increases by its extra taxation the burden of the

large or average taxpayer; when the appointment of managers is handed

over to universal suffrage; counted by heads; the large and average

taxpayers are defrauded of their dues and deprived of their rights;

more so by far and more deeply wronged than the bearer or owner of a

thousand shares in an omnibus or gas company if; on voting at a

meeting of stockholders; his vote did not count for more than that of

the owner or bearer of a single share。 …

How is it then when a local society adds to its natural and

unavoidable purpose an optional and supplementary purpose;

* when; increasing its load; it undertakes to defray the cost of

public charity and of primary education;

* when; to support this additional cost; it multiplies the additional


* when the large or average taxpayer pays alone; or nearly alone; for

this benevolent work by which he does not benefit;

* when the small taxpayer pays nothing; or next to nothing; to this

benevolent work by which he does benefit;

* when; in voting for the expense thus apportioned; each taxpayer;

whatever the amount of his contribution; has one vote and only one?

In this case; powers; benefits; reductions; and exemptions; all the

advantages are on one side; that of the poor and half…poor forming the

majority and who if not restrained from above; will persistently abuse

their numerical force to augment their advantages; at the increasing

expense of the rich or well…do…do minority。 In the future; in the

local society; the average or large taxpayer is no longer an associate

but a victim; were he free to choose he would not enter into it; he

would like to go away and establish himself elsewhere; but were he to

enter others; near or remote; his condition would be no better。 He

remains; accordingly; where he is; physically present; but absent in

feeling; he takes no part in deliberate meetings; his zeal has died

out; he withholds from public affairs that surplus of vigilant

attention; that spontaneous and ready collaboration which he would

have contributed gratis; he lets matters go along without him; just as

it happens; he remains there just what he is; a workable; taxable

individual in capricious hands; in short; a passive subject who gives

and has become resigned。 … For this reason; in countries where an

encroaching democracy has not yet abolished or perverted the notion of

equity; the local statute applies the fundamental rule of an equitable

exchange; it lays down the principle that

 he who pays commands; and in proportion to the sum he pays。'22'

In England; a surplus of votes is awarded to those most heavily taxed;

even six votes to one voter; in Prussia; local taxation is divided

into thirds; and; accordingly; the taxpayers into three groups; the

first one composed of heavy taxpayers; few in number; and who pay the

first third; the second composed of average taxpayers; average in

number; and who pay the second third; and the third composed of the

great number of small taxpayers; who pay the last third。'23'  To each

of these groups is assigned the same number of suffrages in the

commune election; or the same number of representatives in the commune

representation。 Through this approximate balance of legal burdens and

of legal rights; the two sides of the scales are nearly level; the

level which distributive justice demands; and the level which the

state; special interpreter; sole arbiter and universal minister of

distributive justice; should establish when; in the local community;

it imposes; rectifies; or maintains the articles in accordance with

which it derives its income and governs。

IV。 On unlimited universal suffrage。

How unlimited universal suffrage found its way into local society。 …

Object and mode of the French legislator。

If the government; in France; does just the opposite; it is at the

height of a violent and sudden revolution; forced by the party in

power and by popular prejudice; through deductive reasoning; and

through contagion。 According to revolutionary and French usage; the

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