女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > first across the continent >


first across the continent-第27部分

小说: first across the continent 字数: 每页4000字

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It should be borne in mind that this river; up which the party were making their way; was the Wisdom (now Big Hole); and was the northwest fork of the Jefferson; flowing from southeast to northwest; and near the point where it enters the Jefferson; it has a loop toward the northeast; that is to say; it comes from the southwest to a person looking up its mouth。

After going up the Wisdom River; Clark's party were overtaken by Drewyer; Lewis's hunter; who had been sent across between the forks to notify Clark that Lewis regarded the other fork the main Jeffersonas the right course to take。  The party; accordingly; turned about and began to descend the stream; in order to ascend the Jefferson。  The journal says:

〃On going down; one of the canoes upset and two others filled with water; by which all the baggage was wet and several articles were irrecoverably lost。  As one of them swung round in a rapid current; Whitehouse was thrown out of her; while down; the canoe passed over him; and had the water been two inches shallower would have crushed him to pieces; but he escaped with a severe bruise of his leg。 In order to repair these misfortunes we hastened 'down' to the forks; where we were joined by Captain Lewis。  We then passed over to the left 'east' side; opposite the entrance of the rapid fork; and camped on a large gravelly bar; near which there was plenty of wood。 Here we opened; and exposed to dry; all the articles which had suffered from the water; none of them were completely spoiled except a small keg of powder; the rest of the powder; which was distributed in the different canoes; was quite safe; although it had been under the water for upward of an hour。  The air is indeed so pure and dry that any wood…work immediately shrinks; unless it is kept filled with water; but we had placed our powder in small canisters of lead; each containing powder enough for the canister when melted into bullets; and secured with cork and wax; which answered our purpose perfectly。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

In the evening we killed three deer and four elk; which furnished us once more with a plentiful supply of meat。  Shannon; the same man who had been lost for fifteen days 'August 28 to Sept。 11; 1804'; was sent out this morning to hunt; up the northwest fork。 When we decided on returning; Drewyer was directed to go in quest of him; but be returned with information that he had gone several miles up the 'Wisdom' river without being able to find Shannon。  We now had the trumpet sounded; and fired several guns; but he did not return; and we fear he is again lost。〃

This man; although an expert hunter; had an unlucky habit of losing himself in the wilderness; as many another good man has lost himself among the mountains or the great plains。 This time; however; he came into camp again; after being lost three days。

On the eighth of August the party reached a point now known by its famous landmark; Beaver Head; a remarkable rocky formation which gives its name to Beaverhead County; Montana。  The Indian woman; Sacajawea; recognized the so…called beaver…head; which; she said; was not far from the summer retreat of her countrymen; living on the other side of the mountains。  The whole party were now together again; the men with the canoes having come up; and the journal says:

〃Persuaded of the absolute necessity of procuring horses to cross the mountains; it was determined that one of us should proceed in the morning to the head of the river; and penetrate the mountains till he found the Shoshonees or some other nation who can assist us in transporting our baggage; the greater part of which we shall be compelled to leave without the aid of horses。〃。 。 。

Early the next day Captain Lewis took Drewyer; Shields; and M'Neal; and; slinging their knapsacks; they set out with a resolution to meet some nation of Indians before they returned; however long they might be separated from the party。

The party in the canoes continued to ascend the river; which was so crooked that they advanced but four miles in a direct line from their starting…place in a distance of eleven miles。 In this manner; the party on foot leading those with the canoes; they repeatedly explored the various forks of the streams; which baffled them by their turnings and windings。  Lewis was in the advance; and Clark brought up the rear with the main body。 It was found necessary for the leading party to wade the streams; and occasionally they were compelled by the roughness of the way to leave the water…course and take to the hills; where great vigilance was required to keep them in sight of the general direction in which they must travel。 On the 11th of August; 1805; Captain Lewis came in sight of the first Indian encountered since leaving the country of the Minnetarees; far back on the Missouri。  The journal of that date says:

〃On examining him with the glass Captain Lewis saw that he was of a different nation from any Indians we had hitherto met。 He was armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows; and mounted on an elegant horse without a saddle; a small string attached to the under jaw answered as a bridle。

〃Convinced that he was a Shoshonee; and knowing how much our success depended on the friendly offices of that nation; Captain Lewis was full of anxiety to approach without alarming him; and endeavor to convince him that he 'Lewis' was a white man。 He therefore proceeded toward the Indian at his usual pace。 When they were within a mile of each other the Indian suddenly stopped。 Captain Lewis immediately followed his example; took his blanket from his knapsack; and; holding it with both hands at the two corners; threw it above his head; and unfolded it as he brought it to the ground; as if in the act of spreading it。 This signal; which originates in the practice of spreading a robe or skin as a seat for guests to whom they wish to show a distinguished kindness; is the universal sign of friendship among the Indians on the Missouri and the Rocky Mountains。  As usual; Captain Lewis repeated this signal three times:  still the Indian kept his position; and looked with an air of suspicion on Drewyer and Shields; who were now advancing on each side。 Captain Lewis was afraid to make any signal for them to halt; lest he should increase the distrust of the Indian; who began to be uneasy; and they were too distant to hear his voice。 He therefore took from his pack some beads; a looking…glass; and a few trinkets; which he bad brought for the purpose; and; leaving his gun; advanced unarmed towards the Indian。  He remained in the same position till Captain Lewis came within two hundred yards of him; when he turned his horse and began to move off slowly。 Captain Lewis then called out to him in as loud a voice as he could; repeating the words tabba bone; which in the Shoshonee language mean white man。  But; looking over his shoulder; the Indian kept his eyes on Drewyer and Shields; who were still advancing; without recollecting the impropriety of doing so at such a moment; till Captain Lewis made a signal to them to halt: this Drewyer obeyed; but Shields did not observe it; and still went forward。  Seeing Drewyer halt; the Indian turned his horse about as if to wait for Captain Lewis; who now reached within one hundred and fifty paces; repeating the words tabba bone; and holding up the trinkets in his hand; at the same time stripping up the sleeve of his shirt to show the color of his skin。 The Indian suffered him to advance within one hundred paces; then suddenly turned his horse; and; giving him the whip; leaped across the creek; and disappeared in an instant among the willow bushes: with him vanished all the hopes which the sight of him had inspired; of a friendly introduction to his countrymen。〃

Sadly disappointed by the clumsy imprudence of his men; Captain Lewis now endeavored to follow the track of the retreating Indian; hoping that this might lead them to an encampment; or village; of the Shoshonees。  He also built a fire; the smoke of which might attract the attention of the Indians。  At the same time; be placed on a pole near the fire a small assortment of beads; trinkets; awls; and paints; in order that the Indians; if they returned that way; might discover them and be thereby assured the strangers were white men and friends。 Next morning; while trying to follow the trail of the lone Indian; they found traces of freshly turned earth where people had been digging for roots; and; later on; they came upon the fresh track of eight or ten horses。  But these were soon scattered; and the explorers only found that the general direction of the trails was up into the mountains which define the boundary between Montana and Idaho。  Skirting the base of these mountains (the Bitter Root); the party endeavored to find a plain trail; or Indian road; leading up to a practicable pass。 Travelling in a southwesterly direction along the main stream; they entered a valley which led into the mountains。 Here they ate their last bit of fresh meat; the remainder of a deer they had killed a day or two before; they reserved for their final resort; in case of famine; a small piece of salt pork。 The journal says:

〃They then continued through the low bottom; along the main stream; near the foot of the mountains on

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