女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > the fortunes of oliver horn >


the fortunes of oliver horn-第65部分

小说: the fortunes of oliver horn 字数: 每页4000字

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And then again; why should she be ashamed of her ankles and her well…turned instep and dainty toes; as compact in their silk covering as peas in a pod! She might have been; perhaps; in some one of the satin… lined drawing…rooms around Madison Square or Irving  Place; but not here; breathing the blue smoke of a dozen pipes and among her own kindthe kind she had known and loved and charmed all her life。

After all it was but a question of economy。 Broadway  was a slough of mud and slush; and neither she nor Bianchi had the price of a carriage to spare。

Oliver watched her until the whole comedy was complete; then; picking up his wet sketch and handing  it with the greatest care to Bianchi; who was to conduct her ladyship to her lodgings; he placed the long black cloak with the fur…trimming and watermelon… colored silk lining about her beautiful; bare shoulders; and; with the whole club following and waving their hands good…night; our young gentleman bowed her out and downstairs with all the deference and respect he would have shown the highest lady in the land。



One spring morning; some time after the visit of the Countess to the club and the painting of her portrait  by Oliverthe incident had become the talk of the studios before the week was outOliver sat in his own rooms on the top floor; drinking his coffee the coffee he had boiled himself。 The janitor had just slipped two letters through a slit in the door。 Both lay on the floor within reach of his hand。 One was from his mother; bearing the postmark of his native city; the other was from a prominent picture… dealer on Broadway; with a gallery and big window looking out on the street。

Oliver broke the seal of his mother's letter; and moved his chair so that the light from the overhead skylight would fall on its pages。

It read as follows:

〃My Darling Boy: Your father goes to you to… morrow。 Mr。 Cobb was here last night with a letter from some gentleman of means with whom he has been corresponding。 They want to see the motor; so your father and Nathan leave on the early train。

〃This man's continued kindness is a constant surprise  to me。 I have always thought it was he who prevented  the mortgage from being foreclosed; but I never knew until yesterday that he had written his name under my own the second time the note was to be renewed; and that he has kept it there ever since。 I cannot speak of this to him; nor must you; if you see him; for poor old Mr。 Steiger told me in confidence。 I am the more glad now that we have always paid the interest on the note。 The next payment; which you have just sent me; due on the first of the month; is now in my bureau…drawer ready for the bank; but I will not have to use it now。

〃Whether the mortgage can ever be paid off I do not know; for the farm is ruined; I fear。 Mr。 Mowbray's  cousin; who drove over last week to see what was left of the plantations in that section; writes me that there is nothing remaining of your grandfather's place but the bare ground and the house。 All the fences have been burned and many of the beautiful trees cut down for firewood。 The Government still occupies the house and one of the outbuildings; although  most of the hospital stores have been moved away。 The last half…year's rent which was held back; owing to some new ruling from Washington; came; I am thankful to say; two days ago in a check from the paymaster here; owing to Mr。 Cobb's intercession。 He never loses an opportunity to praise you for what you did for that poor young soldier; and Mr。 Steiger told me that when those in authority heard from Mr。 Cobb which Mrs。 Horn it was; they ordered the rent paid at once。 He is always doing just such kindnesses for us。 But for this rental I don't know how we would have been able to live and take care of those dependent upon us。 We little knew; my son; when we both strove so hard to save the farm that it would really be our only support。 This rent; however; will soon cease and I tremble for the future。 I can only pray my Heavenly Father that something will come out of this visit to New York。 it is our only hope now。

〃Don't lose sight of your father for a moment; my son。 He is not well and gets easily fatigued; and although he is greatly elated over his promised success; as we all areand he certainly deserves to beI think you will see a great change in him these last few months。 I would not have consented to his going had not Nathan gone with him。 Nathan insists upon paying the expenses of the trip; he says it is only fair that he should; as your father has given him an interest in the motor。 I earnestly hope for some results;  for I shall have no peace until the whole amount of the mortgage is paid back to the bank and you and Mr。 Cobb are released from the burden; so heavy on you; my boy。

〃There is no other news to tell you。 Sue Clayton brought her boy in to…day。 He is a sweet little fellow and has Sue's eyes。 She has named him John Clayton;  after her father。 They have made another attempt  to find the Colonel's body on the battle…field; but without success。 I am afraid it will never be recovered。

〃Lavinia sends her love。 She has been much better  lately。 Her army hospital work has weighed upon her; I think。 Three years was too long。

〃I have the last newspaper notices of your academy  picture pinned on my cushion; and I show them to everybody who comes in。 They always delight me。 You have had a hard fight; my son; but you are winning now。 No one rejoices more than I do in your success。 As you said in your last letter; the times have really changed。 They certainly have for me。 Sorrow and suffering have made me see many things in a different light these last few years。

〃Malachi and Hannah are well; but the old man seems quite feeble at times。

〃Your loving mother;

〃Sallie T。 Horn。〃

Dear lady; with your soft white hair and deep brown eyes that have so often looked into mine! How dreary were those long days of hate and misery! How wise and helpful you were to every living soul who sought your aid; friend and foe alike。 Your great heart sheltered and comforted them all。

Oliver read the letter through and put his lips to the signature。 In all his life he had never failed to kiss his mother's name at the bottom of her letters。 The only difference was that now he kissed them with an added reverence。 The fact of his having proved himself right and her wrong in the choice of his profession made loyalty with him the more tender。

〃Dear; dear mother!〃 he said to himself。 〃You have had so much trouble lately; and you have been so plucky through it all。〃 He stopped; looked dreamily  across the room; and added with a sigh: 〃But she has not said one word about Madge; not one single word。 She doesn't answer that part of my letter; she doesn't intend to。〃

Then he opened the other communication which read:

〃Dear Mr。 Horn: Please call here in the morning。  I have some good news for you。

〃John Snedecor。〃

Oliver turned the picture…dealer's letter over; peered into the envelope as if he expected to find some trace of the good news tucked away in its corners; lifted the tray holding his frugal breakfast; and laid it on the floor outside his door ready for the janitor's morning round。 Then; picking up his hat; he locked his door; hung an 〃out card〃 on the knob; and; strolling downstairs; stepped into the fresh morning air。 He knew the dealer well。 He had placed two of old Mr。 Crocker's pictures with himone of which had been sold。

When he reached Snedecor's gallery he found the big window surrounded with a crowd gazing intently at an upright portrait in a glittering gold frame; to which was affixed an imposing…looking name…plate bearing the inscription:


So this was Snedecor's good news!

Oliver made his way through the crowd and into the open door of the shopthe shop was; in front; the gallery in the rearand found the proprietor leaning over a case filled with artists' supplies。

〃Has she had it FRAMED; Snedecor?〃 asked Oliver; with a light laugh。

〃Not to any alarming extent! I made that frame for Mr。 Peter Fish。 She sent it here for sale; and Fish bought it。 He's wild about it。 Says it's the best thing since Sully。 He wants you to paint his daughter;  that's what I wanted to see you about。 Great card for you; Mr。 Horn。 I congratulate you!〃

Oliver gave a low whistle。 His own good fortune was for the moment forgotten in his surprise at the woman's audacity。 Selling a sketch painted by one of the club! one which had virtually been GIVEN to her。

〃Poor Bianchi! He does pick up the queerest people。  I wonder if she was out of stockings;〃 he said half…aloud。

〃Oh; you needn't worry about the Madame; she won't suffer for clothes as long as she's got that pair of eyes in her head。 You just ought to have seen her handle old Fish。 It was beautiful。 But; see here now; you don't want to make old Peter a present of this portrait of his daughter。 He's good for a thousand; I tell you。 She got a cracking price for that one;〃 and he pointed to the picture。

Again Oliver laughed。

〃A cracking price? She must have needed the money bad。〃 The more he thought of it the funnier it seemed。


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