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16-is shakespeare dead-第14部分

小说: 16-is shakespeare dead 字数: 每页4000字

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hundred names; shall we say?and you can go to the histories;

biographies; and cyclopedias and learn the particulars of the

lives of every one of them。  Every one of them except onethe

most famous; the most renownedby far the most illustrious of

them allShakespeare!  You can get the details of the lives of

all the celebrated ecclesiastics in the list; all the celebrated

tragedians; comedians; singers; dancers; orators; judges;

lawyers; poets; dramatists; historians; biographers; editors;

inventors; reformers; statesmen; generals; admirals; discoverers;

prize…fighters; murderers; pirates; conspirators; horse…jockeys;

bunco…steerers; misers; swindlers; explorers; adventurers by land

and sea; bankers; financiers; astronomers; naturalists;

claimants; impostors; chemists; biologists; geologists;

philologists; college presidents and professors; architects;

engineers; painters; sculptors; politicians; agitators; rebels;

revolutionists; patriots; demagogues; clowns; cooks; freaks;

philosophers; burglars; highwaymen; journalists; physicians;

surgeonsyou can get the life…histories of all of them but ONE。

Just ONEthe most extraordinary and the most celebrated of them all


You may add to the list the thousand celebrated persons

furnished by the rest of Christendom in the past four centuries;

and you can find out the life…histories of all those people; too。

You will then have listed fifteen hundred celebrities; and you

can trace the authentic life…histories of the whole of them。

Save onefar and away the most colossal prodigy of the entire

accumulationShakespeare!  About him you can find out NOTHING。

Nothing of even the slightest importance。  Nothing worth the

trouble of stowing away in your memory。  Nothing that even

remotely indicates that he was ever anything more than a

distinctly commonplace persona manager; an actor of inferior

grade; a small trader in a small village that did not regard him

as a person of any consequence; and had forgotten all about him

before he was fairly cold in his grave。  We can go to the records

and find out the life…history of every renowned RACE…HORSE of

modern timesbut not Shakespeare's!  There are many reasons why;

and they have been furnished in cart…loads (of guess and

conjecture) by those troglodytes; but there is one that is worth

all the rest of the reasons put together; and is abundantly

sufficient all by itselfHE HADN'T ANY HISTORY TO RECORD。  There

is no way of getting around that deadly fact。  And no sane way

has yet been discovered of getting around its formidable


Its quite plain significanceto any but those thugs (I do

not use the term unkindly) is; that Shakespeare had no prominence

while he lived; and none until he had been dead two or three

generations。  The Plays enjoyed high fame from the beginning; and

if he wrote them it seems a pity the world did not find it out。

He ought to have explained that he was the author; and not merely

a NOM DE PLUME for another man to hide behind。  If he had been

less intemperately solicitous about his bones; and more

solicitous about his Works; it would have been better for his

good name; and a kindness to us。  The bones were not important。

They will moulder away; they will turn to dust; but the Works

will endure until the last sun goes down。

Mark Twain。

P。S。  MARCH 25。  About two months ago I was illuminating

this Autobiography with some notions of mine concerning the

Bacon…Shakespeare controversy; and I then took occasion to air

the opinion that the Stratford Shakespeare was a person of no

public consequence or celebrity during his lifetime; but was

utterly obscure and unimportant。  And not only in great London;

but also in the little village where he was born; where he lived

a quarter of a century; and where he died and was buried。  I

argued that if he had been a person of any note at all; aged

villagers would have had much to tell about him many and many a

year after his death; instead of being unable to furnish

inquirers a single fact connected with him。  I believed; and I

still believe; that if he had been famous; his notoriety would

have lasted as long as mine has lasted in my native village out

in Missouri。  It is a good argument; a prodigiously strong one;

and most formidable one for even the most gifted and ingenious

and plausible Stratfordolator to get around or explain away。

Today a Hannibal COURIER…POST of recent date has reached me; with

an article in it which reinforces my contention that a really

celebrated person cannot be forgotten in his village in the short

space of sixty years。  I will make an extract from it:

Hannibal; as a city; may have many sins to answer for; but

ingratitude is not one of them; or reverence for the great men

she has produced; and as the years go by her greatest son; Mark

Twain; or S。 L。 Clemens as a few of the unlettered call him;

grows in the estimation and regard of the residents of the town

he made famous and the town that made him famous。  His name is

associated with every old building that is torn down to make way

for the modern structures demanded by a rapidly growing city; and

with every hill or cave over or through which he might by any

possibility have roamed; while the many points of interest which

he wove into his stories; such as Holiday Hill; Jackson's Island;

or Mark Twain Cave; are now monuments to his genius。  Hannibal is

glad of any opportunity to do him honor as he had honored her。

So it has happened that the 〃old timers〃 who went to school

with Mark or were with him on some of his usual escapades have

been honored with large audiences whenever they were in a

reminiscent mood and condescended to tell of their intimacy with

the ordinary boy who came to be a very extraordinary humorist and

whose every boyish act is now seen to have been indicative of

what was to come。  Like Aunt Becky and Mrs。 Clemens; they can now

see that Mark was hardly appreciated when he lived here and that

the things he did as a boy and was whipped for doing were not all

bad; after all。  So they have been in no hesitancy about drawing

out the bad things he did as well as the good in their efforts to

get a 〃Mark Twain〃 story; all incidents being viewed in the light

of his present fame; until the volume of 〃Twainiana〃 is already

considerable and growing in proportion as the 〃old timers〃 drop

away and the stories are retold second and third hand by their

descendants。  With some seventy…three years and living in a villa

instead of a house; he is a fair target; and let him incorporate;

copyright; or patent himself as he will; there are some of his

〃works〃 that will go swooping up Hannibal chimneys as long as

graybeards gather about the fires and begin with; 〃I've heard

father tell;〃 or possibly; 〃Once when I。〃

The Mrs。 Clemens referred to is my motherWAS my mother。

And here is another extract from a Hannibal paper; of date

twenty days ago:

Miss Becca Blankenship died at the home of William Dickason;

408 Rock Street; at 2。30 o'clock yesterday afternoon; aged 72

years。  The deceased was a sister of 〃Huckleberry Finn;〃 one of

the famous characters in Mark Twain's TOM SAWYER。  She had been a

member of the Dickason familythe housekeeperfor nearly forty…

five years; and was a highly respected lady。  For the past eight

years she had been an invalid; but was as well cared for by

Mr。 Dickason and his family as if she had been a near relative。

She was a member of the Park Methodist Church and a Christian woman。

I remember her well。  I have a picture of her in my mind

which was graven there; clear and sharp and vivid; sixty…three

years ago。  She was at that time nine years old; and I was about

eleven。  I remember where she stood; and how she looked; and I

can still see her bare feet; her bare head; her brown face; and

her short tow…linen frock。  She was crying。  What it was about I

have long ago forgotten。  But it was the tears that preserved the

picture for me; no doubt。  She was a good child; I can say that

for her。  She knew me nearly seventy years ago。  Did she forget

me; in the course of time?  I think not。  If she had lived in

Stratford in Shakespeare's time; would she have forgotten him?

Yes。  For he was never famous during his lifetime; he was utterly

obscure in Stratford; and there wouldn't be any occasion to

remember him after he had been dead a week。

〃Injun Joe;〃 〃Jimmy Finn;〃 and 〃General Gaines〃 were

prominent and very intemperate ne'er…do…weels in Hannibal two

generations ago。  Plenty of grayheads there remember them to this

day; and can tell you about them。  Isn't it curious that two

〃town drunkards〃 and one half…breed loafer should leave behind

them; in a remote Missourian village; a fame a hundred times

greater and several hundred times more particularized in the

matter of definite facts than Shakespeare left behind him in the


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