女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > hard cash >


hard cash-第7部分

小说: hard cash 字数: 每页4000字

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At this very instant; the smoke of the pistol was seen to puff out from the island; and Hardie rose to his feet。 〃They are off!〃 cried he to the ladies; and after first putting his palms together with a hypocritical look of apology; he laid one hand on an old barge that was drawn up ashore; and sprang like a mountain goat on to the bow; lighting on the very gunwale。 The position was not tenable an instant; but he extended one foot very nimbly and boldly; and planted it on the other gunwale; and there he was in a moment; headache and all; in an attitude as large and inspired as the boldest gesture antiquity has committed to marblehe had even the advantage in stature over most of the sculptured forms of Greece。 But a double opera…glass at his eye 〃spoiled the lot;〃 as Mr。 Punch says。

I am not to repeat the particulars of a distant race coming nearer and nearer。 The main features are always the same; only this time it was more exciting to our fair friends; on account of Edward's high stake in it。 And then their grateful though refractory patient; an authority in their eyes; indeed all but a river…god; stood poised in air; and in excited whispers interpreted each distant and unintelligible feature down to them:

〃Cambridge was off quickest。〃

〃But not much。〃

〃Anybody's race at present; madam。〃

〃If this lasts long we may win。 None of them can stay like us。〃

〃Come; the favourite is not so very dangerous。〃

〃Cambridge looks best。〃

〃I wouldn't change with either; so far。〃

〃Now; in forty seconds more; I shall be able to pick out the winner。〃

Julia went up this ladder of thrills to a high state of excitement; and; indeed; they were all so tuned to racing pitch; that some metal nerve or other seemed to jar inside all three; when the piercing; grating voice of Kennet broke in suddenly with

〃How do you construe 'Greek text'?〃

The wretch had burrowed in the intellectual ruins of Greece the moment the pistol went off; and college chat ceased。 Hardie raised his opera…glass; and his first impulse was to brain the judicious Kennet; gazing up to him for an answer; with spectacles goggling like supernatural eyes of dead sophists in the sun。

〃How do you construe _'Hoc age'_? you incongruous dog。 Hold your tongue; and mind the race。〃

〃There; I thought so。 Where's your three to one; now? The Cockneys are out of this event; any way。 Go on; Universities; and order their suppers!〃

〃But which is first; sir?〃 asked Julia imploringly。 〃Oh; which is first of all?〃

〃Neither。 Never mind; it looks well。 London is pumped; and if Cambridge can't lead him before this turn in the river; the race will be ours。 Now; look out! By Jove; we are _ahead!_〃

The leading boats came on; Oxford pulling a long; lofty; sturdy stroke; that seemed as if it never could compete with the quick action of its competitor。 Yet it was undeniably ahead; and gaining at every swing。

Young Hardie writhed on his perch。 He screeched at them across the Thames; 〃Well pulled; Stroke! Well pulled all! Splendidly pulled; Dodd! You are walking away from them altogether。 Hurrah; Oxford for ever; hurrah!〃 The gun went off over the heads of the Oxford crew in advance; and even Mrs。 Dodd and Julia could see the race was theirs。

〃We have won at last;〃 cried Julia; all on fire; 〃and fairly; only think of that!〃

Hardie turned round; grateful to beauty for siding with his university。 〃Yes; and the fools may thank me; or rather my man; Dodd。 Dodd for ever! Hurrah!〃

At this climax even Mrs。 Dodd took a gentle share in the youthful enthusiasm that was boiling around her; and her soft eyes sparkled; and she returned the fervid pressure of her daughter's hand; and both their faces were flushed with gratified pride and affection。

〃Dodd!〃 broke in 〃the incongruous dog;〃 with a voice just like a saw's。 〃Dodd? Ah; that's the man who is just ploughed for smalls。〃

Ice has its thunderbolts。


WINNING boat…races was all very fine; but a hundred such victories could not compensate Mr。 Kennet's female hearers for one such defeat as he had announceda defeat that; to their minds; carried disgrace。 Their Edward plucked! At first they were benumbed; and sat chilled; with red cheeks; bewildered between present triumph and mortification at hand。 Then the colour ebbed out of their faces; and they encouraged each other feebly in whispers; 〃Might it not be a mistake?〃

But unconscious Kennet robbed them of this timid hope。 He was now in his element; knew all about it; rushed into details; and sawed away all doubt from their minds。 The sum was this。 Dodd's general performance was mediocre; but passable; he was plucked for his Logic。 Hardie said he was very sorry for it。 〃What does it matter?〃 answered Kennet; 〃he is a boating…man。

〃Well; and I am a boating…man。 Why; you told me yourself; the other day; poor Dodd was anxious about it on account of his friends。 And; by…the…bye; that reminds me they say he has got two pretty sisters here。〃

Says Kennet briskly; 〃I'll go and tell him; I know him just to speak to。〃

〃What! doesn't he know?〃

〃How can he know ?〃 said Kennet jealously; 〃the testamumrs were only just out as I came away。〃 And within this line started on his congenial errand。

Hardie took two or three of his long strides; and fairly collared him。 〃You will do nothing of the kind。〃

〃What; not tell a man when he's ploughed? That is a good joke。〃

〃No。 There's time enough。 Tell him after chapel to…morrow; or in chapel if you must; but why poison his triumphal cup? And his sisters; too; why spoil their pleasure? Hang it all; not a word about 'ploughing' to any living soul to…day。

To his surprise; Kennet's face expressed no sympathy; nor even bare assent。 At this Hardie lost patience; and burst out impetuously; 〃Take care how you refuse me; take care how you thwart me in this。 He is the best…natured fellow in college。 It doesn't matter to you; and it does to him; and if you _do;_ then take my name off the list of your acquaintance; for I'll never speak a word to you again in this world; no; not on my death…bed; by Heaven!〃

The threat was extravagant; but Youth's glowing cheek and eye; and imperious lip; and simple generosity; made it almost beautiful。

Kennet whined; 〃Oh; if you talk like that; there is an end to fair argument。〃

〃End it then; and promise me; upon your honour!〃

〃Why not? What bosh! There; I promise。 Now; how do you construe 'Greek text'?〃

The incongruous dog (〃I thank thee; Taff; for teaching me that word〃) put this query with the severity of an inquisitor bringing back a garrulous prisoner to the point。 Hardie replied gaily; 〃Any way you like; now you are a good fellow again。〃

〃Come; that is evasive。 My tutor says it cannot be rendered by any one English word; no more can 'Greek text'。〃

〃Why; what on earth can he know about English? 'Greek text' is a Cormorant: 'Greek text' is a Skinflint; and your tutor is a Duffer。 Hush! keep dark now! here he comes。〃 And he went hastily to meet Edward Dodd: and by that means intercepted him on his way to the carriage。 〃Give me your hand; Dodd;〃 he cried; 〃you have saved the university。 You must be stroke of the eight…oar after me。 Let me see more of you than I have; old fellow。〃

〃Within all my heart;〃 replied Edward calmly; but taking the offered hand cordially; though he rather wanted to get away to his mother and sister。 〃We will pull together; and read together into the bargain;〃 continued Hardie。

〃Read together? You and I? What do you mean?〃

〃Well; you see I am pretty well up in the Imigliner books; what I have got to rub up is my Divinity and my Logicespecially my Logic。 Will you grind Logic with me? Say 'Yes;' for I know you will keep your word。〃

〃It is too good an offer to refuse; Hardie; but now I look at you; you are excited: wonderfully excited: within the race; eh? Now; justyouwaitquietlytill next week; and then; if you are so soft as to ask me in cool blood〃

〃Wait a week?〃 cried the impetuous youth。 〃No; not a minute。 It is settled。 There; we cram Logic together next term。〃

And he shook Edward's hand again with glistening eyes and an emotion that was quite unintelligible to Edward; but not to the quick; sensitive spirits; who sat but fifteen yards off。

〃You really must excuse me just now;〃 said Edward; and ran to the carriage; and put out both hands to the fair occupants。 They kissed him eagerly; with little tender sighs; and it cost them no slight effort not to cry publicly over 〃the beloved;〃 〃the victorious;〃 〃the ploughed。〃

Young Hardie stood petrified。 What? These ladies Dodd's sisters。 Why; one of them had called the other mamma。 Good heavens! all his talk in their hearing had been of Dodd; and Kennet and he between them had let out the very thing he wanted to conceal; especially from Dodd's relations。 He gazed at them; and turned hot to the very forehead。 Then; not knowing what to do or say; and being after all but a clever boy; not a cool; 〃never unready〃 man of the world; he slipped away; blushing。 Kennet followed; goggling。

Left to herself; Mrs。 Dodd would have broken the bad news to Edward at once; and taken the line of consoling him under her own vexation: it would not have been the first time that she

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