女神电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > cyprus, as i saw it in 1879 >


cyprus, as i saw it in 1879-第44部分

小说: cyprus, as i saw it in 1879 字数: 每页4000字

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metallic clink like masses of broken porcelain。 On arrival at the top I
remarked that only a few inches of vegetable mould covered a stratum of
white marl about a foot thick; and this had been pierced in many places
by the heat that had fused the marl and converted it into a clinker or
sharply…edged white slag; mixed with an ochreous yellow and bright red。
I had never met with anything like this singular example of igneous
action upon marls。 In the neighbourhood there were considerable masses
of the same clinker…like material exhibiting a honeycombed appearance;
that would have been well adapted for millstones。 The natives informed
me that all the millstones of the northern coast were imported from
Athens。 I had heard while at Kythrea that the stones for the very
numerous mills of that neighbourhood were supplied from Alexandretta;
and that none of native origin were employed。 There can be no doubt that
some of the specimens I examined of this material combined the
requirements of extreme hardness; porosity; and sharpness of interior
edges around the honeycombed cavities。 I walked over the mountain; and
quickly lost the marl in masses of plutonic rocks that had been upheaved
and entirely occupied the surface。 Although vast blocks lay heaped in
the wildest confusion; they exhibited the peculiar characteristics of
all Cyprian rocks (excepting the calcareous limestone) in their utter
want of compactness。 I have never seen in Cyprus any hard rock (except
jurassic limestone); whether gneiss; syenite; or others; that would
yield an unblemished stone to the mason's chisel of ten feet in length
by a square of two feet。 This peculiarity is not the result of decay;
but the entire mass has been fractured by volcanic disturbance and by
the rapid cooling of molten matter upheaved from beneath the sea。

Red jasper is abundant in this locality; and is generally found in small
pieces embedded in the marls。 I discovered a very compact specimen
weighing about 200 lbs。; which I left at a house in Caravastasi until I
might have an opportunity of conveying it to Larnaca。 Upon crossing the
mountain I arrived at a charming valley among the hills at an elevation
of about 1200 feet above the sea; at the narrow entrance of which;
between the sides of the gorge; was a Turkish village。 I was quickly
observed; and being quite alone; with the exception of my dogs; a
Turkish woman; to whom I made a salaam; ran into a neighbouring house
and sent her husband with a chair; that I might sit beneath an
almond…tree。 A few Turks gathered round me and insisted with much
politeness that I should enter the house of the owner of the chair。 It
was a rough dwelling; but I was kindly welcomed; and cheese; bread; and
curds were quickly arranged before me; together with a gourd…shell of
clear cold water; from the spring which issued from the rocks in the
gorge about fifty feet below the house。 To the disappointment of my host
I was obliged to decline all his offerings; except a draught of cold
water; as I had breakfasted before leaving the camp。 The Turk now showed
me his gun; which he explained was of little use; as he could not afford
a game licence; but he offered to show me a spot where hares were
abundant。 The shooting…season was long since closed; therefore
partridges and francolins were sacred; but I should have had no scruples
in bagging a hare for a stew。 My guide conducted me over very likely
ground down into ravines with bush…covered sides; then upon the
hill…tops; and among patches of cultivation where the hares had played
sad havoc in nibbling the wheat and barley; but we found none。 My dogs
hunted every bush in vain; and the burning sun had dried out every
vestige of scent。 I believe the hares escape the sun by taking refuge
beneath the rocks; otherwise we must have moved at least one or two。 My
guide was much disappointed; but as game was absent he hunted for wild
asparagus; which grew in considerable quantities beneath the thick
clumps of bushes upon the hill…sides。 By the time that we arrived in
camp he had collected sufficient for a good dish。 This variety is not
quite so thick as good cultivated asparagus; but it is superior in
flavour; although slightly bitter。

We rode to Lefka; about three miles distant。 This is one of those happy
lands of Cyprus which is watered with unfailing streams from the Troodos
range; that have enforced prosperity。 The town is important; and is
situated upon the sides of the hills; which form a valley; through
which; in rainy weather; a river flows; at other seasons; like all
Cyprian torrents; the bed is dry。 The houses of Lefka are almost
concealed by the luxuriant foliage of the gardens and orangeries。 We
rode through narrow lanes streaming with water; and shaded with the elm;
ash; maple; and innumerable fruit…trees。 Mills; turned by water; the
masonry of the aqueducts being ornamented with the graceful maiden…hair
ferns; enlivened the otherwise dull lanes by an exhibition of industry。
The orange…trees and lemons were literally overweighted with fruit;
which in some instances overpowered the foliage by a preponderance of
yellow。 Lefka supplies the whole western district with lemons; in
addition to the market of the capital; Lefkosia。 As usual; I observed
that the fruit…trees were ridiculously crowded; thus preventing the
admission of the necessary air and light。 I forbear at present to
describe the fruit; as none existed at this season; excepting oranges
and lemons; and I wish to introduce my readers to every scene and object
precisely as they met my eye in travelling through the country。 The
lemons are some of the best I have ever tasted; but the oranges are full
of seeds; with thick skins; and although juicy and refreshing in this
hot climate; they would be rejected in the English market。

A very cursory view of Lefka was sufficient to explain its agricultural
importance; and to (for the hundredth time) awaken the reflection that
most portions of the island might equal such exceptional prosperity; if
special attention were bestowed upon the development of artificial

On 16th April we left Caravastasi; and rode over almost the worst road;
but one of the most picturesque in Cyprus。 It was a succession of the
steepest ups and downs through and over mountain spurs; to cut off the
promontories which projected into the sea at right angles with our
route。 It seemed impossible that loaded animals should be able to
traverse such steep and dangerous defiles; and I made up my mind that
Iiani's ancient camel would terminate its career; together with that of
our possessions upon its back; by rolling several hundred feet into the
dark angle of some precipitous ravine。 Even Iiani kept awake; and
presently I heard a faint exclamation from behind; and upon turning
round I discovered Lady Baker upon the ground; the saddle having twisted
beneath her mule in descending a steep and rocky gulley; fortunately she
fell upon the wall…side of the path; instead of upon the edge of the
precipice; and she was unhurt。

Although the route was abominable it was most interesting。 As the
drainage of the mountains was at right angles; we crossed a succession
of heights which afforded short glimpses of the sea some 600 feet
beneath; with the perpendicular rock…bound coast below us; and then
alternately descended into the depths of the intervening gullies。 This
peculiarity exhibited to perfection the geological formation。 We had
entered upon trap rocks and the greenstone; all of which showed traces
of copper。 Notwithstanding the wild and dangerous route; every available
plot of ground was cultivated; although no villages were perceptible。
The peasants carried their light ploughs upon donkeys from considerable
distances; and with these exceedingly useful implements they ploughed
inclines that would have been impossible to cultivate with any European
implement except the hoe。 At length we descended to the sea…beach; and
marching through heavy sand for about a mile; we arrived at Pyrgos; our
halting…place; twelve miles from Caravastasi。

This is one of the wildest portions of Cyprus。 There is no village; but
the position is simply marked by the presence of one building above the
sea…beach; which has been a depot for the spars and poles of pine that
have periodically been delivered from the mountains by the torrents;
when heavy rains have swollen them sufficiently to enable them to force
the timber towards the sea。 As the mountains upon this portion of the
coast descend in many places actually to the shore; while in no places
are they more than half a mile distant; the rivulets are numerous; as
there is no time; or area; sufficient for their absorption by the soil。
Within a hundred and fifty paces of the timber store beautiful streams
of clear water issued from the ground in three different places; which
converged into a brook abounding with water…cresses; and this; after
passing through a small and thick jungle of tamarisk…bushes; formed a
pool above the sea…beach which overflowed upon the shingle; and met the
waves。 We ascended the stream for a short distance; until; tempted by
two or three large plane…trees; we halted for l

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